
Sunday, June 28, 2020

SIP Week 7: April 26-May 2

Trying to do the splits on our walk. Close.
Perry is a peculiar one.
Jonah was helping Jane on the rody horse and wanted to hide behind her while I took a picture so it looked like she was doing it alone.
So pleased with herself.
Rough night with me, rough morning with John.
Making sure she's being cute so we'll keep her while sleep deprived.
She loves standing up and cruising along the furniture. She crawled late so we're trying to make sure she gets lots of good crawling time in before walking, but we love seeing her try to figure it out.
Another science experiment the boys did.
Some sort of sun and rain protection hat.
The barricade didn't work and she ended up falling onto the kitchen floor. Jonah and Perry can't climb over the baby gate so we have to lift them over if we use it.
He loves having extra play time with the kids.
Jr. engineer
Joining in on the duplo fun with a new attempt at barricading behind them.
Their favorite activity the PE teacher did was throwing sock balls into laundry baskets.
Jane did not get the hype and opted to spectate.
Watching the school's weekly announcement video was entrancing. They didn't even look away when Jane climbed on them or pulled their hair.
Her nickname lately has been the little troublemaker.
John's foccacia doesn't stand a chance against us.
Wand at the ready.
Big blue eyes
I love finding them like this. Sharing one of their favorite things together: reading a good book.
Little pumpkin in her Hawaiian dress my mom bought. I wish we could take her there now.
Looking for wands, her favorite toy lately.
She mostly gets fed and rocked to sleep. It's great having John home so we can both soak in this time while she's still a baby.
Outside lunch is my favorite. Less mess in the kitchen, some quiet time inside, and they usually play out back for a while after finishing eating.
Jonah's sign for our mail people and delivery workers.
Complete with the flower bow on top. I was surprised it stayed in her wispy hair.
She does NOT like when we take things away from her.
all better.
Helping with the dishes.
Perfect posture playing Duplos.
Ready to eat.
School time
Desperately needing to go to sleep.
He walked her around the room until she crashed on his shoulders.
Not too long later, she was up again. Sometimes she just wants to snuggle and will settle back to sleep again. 
The question is, will she transfer back to her crib.
When she hears bath water, she comes running. She's trying to use John's foot to climb up higher and get in the tub.
Tiny teeth and bright eyes
Perry has been sleeping with mittens on to keep from biting his fingers at night. He was sprawled out in our bed, where he falls asleep half the time, covering his face from the paparazzi.
I ventured out to Target for supplies and saw Mickey ice cream bars in the freezer display. If we can't take Perry to visit Mickey, the least I could do was get him a Disneyland treat.
No treats for Jane. Just lots of food. In this case, eggs.
I-spy Jane, the trouble maker.
So many snugglers, we barely fit.
Such a nice problem to have.

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