
Thursday, June 25, 2020

SIP Week 5: April 12-18

Another week at home. Jane has been a real highlight for all of us.
She is learning so many new things and interacting with us. We love getting extra time with her.
We went to the park and played with Scott's phlat ball he got in his Easter basket. 
John met us over there after his meeting, which the kids love.
Then he played with the boys while I took pictures of this little cutie.
I mean look at her.
Perry can't stay away, either.
So helpful at dishwasher time.
Perry loves doing schoolwork with us. It is a challenge because his work needs more of my help and I'm usually trying to get Scott and Jonah's tasks moving along.
Then there's the troublemaker to add to the mix.
Yes, this one.
Now that she can crawl on hands and knees she's speedier.
And as sneaky as ever.
The hardwood was deterring her for a while, but she toughened up and now she can make mischief in the whole house.
We also have to clean the floors more. Which is probably a good thing.
Her poses crack me up. Just laying over here, chewing my train track.
She loves and is afraid of the Roomba, we're never sure which sentiment will be stronger at the moment.
She chased it around, then started crying. I just put her on the chair to keep her away from it.
John showed the boys his skydiving video. Thankfully none of them seemed too keen on trying it.
Jane can really eat these days. She's packing away meals three times a day, which her brothers never got to do this consistently at her age because it was too much work feeding and bathing them all day long. Another perk of having John here with us.
She's filling in so nicely. We'll have a chubby baby yet.
She's happiest when she's supposed to be sleeping, but gets alone time with her parents instead.
She loves pouches of baby food, probably because they're faster than waiting for us to spoon feed her.
Such a big girl standing up all the time.
Not too big for Jonah's attention.
Perry's birthday gift finally arrived. 
They're little dinosaur puzzle toys and he loves them.
We set up the little scene it came with, but it was made of paper and tricky
so Scott helped him.
Jane loves having the boys all home to leave toys within her reach.
More fun things to chew on.
I like to give her pacifiers so she can't shove the legos in her mouth.
So sweet all conked out.
She also loves the top of the bunk bed.
If she wouldn't go over the edge it'd be a great play pen for her.
I pulled out her 6-12 month clothes and this sleeper was already snug.
She looks like an old fashioned advertisement here, like a Gerber baby with her hair slicked to the side and the little collar.
Perry said he wants to grow his hair long like mine.
He's such a cute kid.
He came over and was showing me his fighting moves and explosion noises.
Here's another happy cutie.
She puts up with a lot from us. Mostly kisses and squeezes.
she mostly likes it.
Crawling away all swaddled up to do a search and find book.
John took Jane to the play room early in the morning so I could sleep and when Perry got up, he covered him with his blanket.
So thoughtful, even if it's a little short for his legs.

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