
Monday, June 1, 2020

SIP Week 3: March 29-April 4

Sunday naps remain a constant.
Singing time with primary on zoom.
We went to the easement next to the park and raced.
Perry was having a hard time and I'm sure it stemmed from him going from having my attention largely to himself all day to being my last priority much of the time. I took him for a walk just the two of us and let him call all the shots. He still got upset with me, so he sat down and wouldn't walk home. His peaceful protests always amuse me.
John getting less work done than he'd like and more than Jane'd like.
Jonah writing his spelling words in the dirt. Getting creative to motivate him.
Perry made some Ts with play-doh. I made an effort to prepare specific assignments for him on the school schedule so he wasn't left out. They have to be things he doesn't need much help with, though, since I'm bouncing between the older boys' work and the baby already.
The activities we can all do together are the best, like yoga. I usually combine our science, pe, music, and art unless there are specific things the teachers want them to do.
Jonah's drawing has really improved in a short time. He put his art on his wall next to his bed to show his class.
This little troublemaker makes being home much more enjoyable for everyone. She distracts us and makes us laugh. The joy she brings far outweighs the extra challenges like her crawling and getting into everything or being up at all hours of the night.
We all love watching her experience new things like riding Rody.
Play hard, crash hard. She just conked out sitting there with John, all slumped over like a doll.
Perry was Kylo Ren this day
and wanted Jane to try it, too.
She was not amused, but was fascinated by Perry.
Sweet sleeping angel
Jane saw herself in the mirror
she had to get a closer look 
and give her a big kiss.
She is a beautiful baby.
Jonah the pirate reading in bed.
Perry working hard on his schoolwork. 
We went to the park to play basketball, not realizing the hoops are boarded up. Instead we played line tag and the kids loved it.
Doing a plank. Her core strength is unbelievable. 
School time. They don't mind doing work if it's on screens, but I try to keep them on paper to minimize the computer time.
Big girl pulling herself up and so proud about it.
Giving the smiley baby some hugs.
Ready to race. 
She looks like a doll.
She started outgrowing her 3-6 month clothes so I pulled out the next size.
She is full of sass already.
And she has a very entertaining personality. 
I went in to read to Perry before bed and found these silly kids in my seat.
They think they're so funny.

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