
Saturday, June 27, 2020

SIP Week 6: April 19-25

We went to the park to play with the double stomp rocket Rick and Jess sent Perry for his birthday.
It was a big hit.
So much love, so little seat room.
Dino on the loose.
She is too fun to dress up.
She even kept the hood up.
Sweet cherub got John down for a Sunday nap.
I squeezed Jane into her sundae dress one last time.
She was very smiley for me,
but she wanted to crawl around.
Such a big girl now. I planned to take her to Fenton's for pictures, but it's been closed and I doubted it would open again before she outgrew the dress.
I bought this dress before Scott was born hoping he'd be a girl. I'm glad Jane could use it, even if she did outgrow it way too fast for my preference.
Twinsies out on our walk.
Oh hey there baby girl.
She does a great job of eating pieces of food without choking and freaking me out.
She mostly skipped 9 month clothes, much to my dismay.
Jonah's magformer heart.
Standing up and looking at us like a big girl.
She still likes being babied.
The boys were sent to the backyard to eat and they all sat on one little seat together.
Scott soaking up some Jane snuggles that are getting rarer and rarer.
Not the toothy smiles, though.
She fights sleep soooo hard sometimes.
I sent John this picture in the other room to let him know he would be needed shortly.
Ruffle bum baby
Sunshine little love
Perry is a prolific rock painter.
Scott doesn't always want to stop playing to do crafts, but he's very talented when he decides to be artistic. 
Not a fan of the baby gate.
She loves dumping buckets of toys.
Jonah loves painting rocks, but doesn't like hiding them in the neighborhood hunt. So he has quite the collection building.
Helpful dish washer
Playing first grade math games.
So helpful with the laundry, too.
Trying to distract her with an age appropriate activity. 
Jonah had a rough school day 
so I caved and made a giant cookie. I was trying to keep my sugar intake down during our shutdown, but split 5 ways it wasn't bad.
None for this sweetie
Helping John with his project, too.
Her nimble hands are great for snatching drill bits.
Such a helpful troublemaker.
If we can't get anything done, at least it's for such a cute reason.

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