
Monday, June 1, 2020

SIP Week 4: April 5-11

So many rough nights with this one. For the most part I get up with her the first time, around midnight. Then at some point John brings her in bed and I nurse her back to sleep or if she doesn't fall asleep, John gives her a bottle. Then if she doesn't settle or when she wakes up a third time, he takes her to the play room so I can sleep.
Then we attempt to start the day in a groggy, grumpy haze. We've been sleeping in more and the boys get up early and eat and play before we come out.
Jane's not very groggy because she takes 2-3 naps every day. We've tried not having her nap late or long but nothing seems to change her night patterns, it just makes everyone grumpy.
Trying to wrangle the little monster.
We've been dusting off our cooking lessons. Jonah did a great job cooking naan.
We were watching Disney rides and reading the books that go along with them. 
John had a presentation for work, so I took the noise makers on a long walk.
We stopped at this gutter and watched the rain water run. 
For a very long time.
We made Easter eggs with stickers and paper. It's as crafty as I've been feeling lately.
Jane and I had a little rest next to John in our bed while he was working.
One perk of John being home is he can barbecue any time, so he smoked ribs for dinner. Perry enjoyed one larger than his head.
When I ordered pizza for takeout, it came with a free soda. I realized Perry probably hadn't had a root beer float before so I asked him about it, and Jonah and Scott didn't know what they were either. So we picked root beer, got vanilla ice cream and introduced them. They were fans.
Robot turtling it up.
We dyed eggs in the instant pot, which was mess-free. Then we ate colorful eggs for a few days.
Little sweetie playing with a toy on yet another neighborhood walk.
We've tried putting her to sleep with a bottle to transition out of our terrible sleep habits. It worked, but she did not give up the bottle.
Trash truck man means it must be Wednesday. It's nice to have reminders of what day it is.
A nice cool, sunny day at the park. We played baseball as a family for a while until John needed to get back to work and Jane needed a nap.
Each of the boys did a movie or two and we put them together for this puzzle.
She can open doors and pull things out now. As long as it's in the play kitchen and not the real one, we're good.
Poor tired daddy
We painted rocks. I made them take off their shirts because I didn't know if the paint would stain.
I had a free birthday burger at Red Robin and kids meals were $1.99, so we got takeout and ate on the grass in the parking lot for dinner. We usually don't eat out with the kids, just on dates or trips, but it was so nice getting out and doing something again, we're going to try and do it every week or two while we're stuck at home. In the future we'll look for small restaurants to support and try some local places.
She holds her bottle with her feet
or kicks one leg up and down. Burning off her milk as she drinks it.
Her favorite toy--John's computer mouse.
None of these other toys will do.
Except maybe balloons.
We may never sleep through the night again, but she sure is cute.

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