
Thursday, April 5, 2012

One Month

Is a monthly picture redundant when we take pictures of Scott every day?
 Are the chair pictures making you nervous or is it just me?
There we go. I just wanted a way to compare his size.
 He and this Bubba cow became fast friends.
 It's amazing to me how mobile he is for someone who can't roll or crawl yet.
 He quickly turned on the cow and tried to eat him.
I guess all John's talk about hamburgers was too much for him.


  1. So cute! And a "months old" picture series is perfectly appropriate even if you take daily pictures of your baby. And if your daily postings start to dwindle it kind of holds you to having to post at least once a month which is a good thing for us readers. It will be fun to see him grow in the chair and next to Bubba.

  2. I love how big he's looking these days. I like the idea of all the month pictures on the chair, but you're right, he did look a little unsteady.
