
Monday, January 27, 2020

September I

Jane is starting to wear 0-3 month clothes, which is great because we have a lot of really cute ones ready for her, but it breaks my heart when she outgrows things. It's always been hard for me, but it's especially bad knowing I won't be keeping them for future kids any more.
We just soak in as much baby time as we can. I do share with company.
She gets lots of quality nap time with John.
And sometimes in her crib. I love her little bum in the air.
All curled up.
We loved having Wendy stay and help us for the week.
Jonah got a Spiderman costume from our neighbor and was swinging around the house all day.
Perry helping to make Jane happy. He holds her hand and rubs her head.
The baby holding novelty has not worn off. Jonah still wants a turn every chance he gets.
Amanda also stops by for snuggles.
And smiles.
We love seeing her little tongue poke in and out.
I love this little blue dress and ruffle bum.
She apparently loves it, too.
She looks much smaller when a grown-up is holding her.
Perry is sharing his plane. She's very interested in everything he has to say about it.
All sprawled out for a little nap together.
Such a little sweetie.
Still so small in her car seat. Although still heavy when you have to carry it any distance.

Perry branched out to a second headband. He says they're too big for Jane, so they must be his.
Fluffy haired-Harry Potter fan.

One with Ravenclaw in case that's her house. But no pressure, Jane.

Perry wanted a turn to feed her. It's so sweet for the 30 seconds he lasts.
A big highlight this month was getting our van washed. The boys could've stayed and watched the machines all day.
They were such good listeners on our errand, we went and got them a Jamba juice to share across the street. We had to eat it there because it wasn't going in my clean car.
Jane put John down for another nap after work. It doesn't seem to matter how long John's home after we have a baby, it's a big, hard adjustment when he goes back to work.
He didn't take his headband off for a few days straight.
Looking like a big kid in her "matchy matchies" as Perry calls them. 
So much baby love.
So, so much. Perry will wipe my kisses off his face, but lets Jane slobber allllll over him.
We took a headband break to try out a bonnet.
Equally adorable.
Sleeping with Jane in the carrier. Whatever it takes sometimes.
I wanted a picture with Jane
But Perry noticed and hopped in.
She tolerates the bouncy seat longer with company nearby to entertain her.
I know she'll sleep longer if I put her down, but sometimes I can't help it and I just want to sit and hold her.
Big smiles
I love when her hair floofs up in the back
Trying a very supported, reclined sitting position for a picture in the HP shirt my sister gave Jane.
Perry fell asleep in the car and I carried him and pushed Jane to school pickup. We hung out in the office until the kids got out because I needed to set him down. I can't believe he was out cold through it all.
Helping me make banana bread. We made it every other week or so for school snacks.
She looks very intently and furrows her little brow.
Sleepy smiles in the stroller on the walk to school.
Making copies for the teachers while Perry's at preschool. I really wanted to volunteer in their classes again, but it's too hard to do with a new baby, so I do a lot of their paperwork.
Little sister
I don't care about colors on babies, but I love this pale pink pacifier.
Holding her head up high for long stretches.
Saving all her smiles for John after work.
She butters him up for those middle of the night feedings.
All the kisses for his sister, none for his mommy.
Smiley summer girl
Having a little smoothie with a straw while he does an ispy book. He definitely knows what he wants and will let you know exactly what that is.
Ballerina baby
With a big smile
for John.
Of course Perry needed in.
Such a little doll sitting up in her big dress.
After church picture with the baby.
Scott isn't as outgoing about it as Jonah, but he loves Jane and likes holding her.
He's been very helpful, especially after school before John gets home, and I really appreciate him.

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