
Thursday, January 9, 2020

August II

After John went back to work, it was Jonah's birthday, and school started, the next week was much calmer.
I spent most of my time taking care of Jane and sending pictures of her to John at work.
She's so little. She still wears newborn diapers at a month old.
Sometimes she looks like a doll.
John loves coming home and being with the kids and we all anticipate his return.
Sweet baby all stretched out. I love her hair floof.
Perry wanted a snack but I was making dinner. "Just one little bite?"
Scott and Jonah rush to see the baby after school. They can't wait to share germs.

She's filling out her newborn clothes now.

Jane is getting better at diaper changes. She still hates getting dressed or undressed, though.
He tries to help her not cry with her pacifier. It sometimes helps.
She is also not a fan of the car and wants to be held always, which makes doing anything else really hard.
Luckily we like just holding her and nothing else.
Little froggy legs in the big chair.
Her eyebrows are something else.
Scott multitasking while I try and make dinner.
I love dressing her up, but I have a soft spot for babies in footy jams.
This pouch has been a lifesaver with Jane.
Perry mostly likes to help.
Too cool
After school one day we ventured out to the library. I was checking out our holds and came back to find Scott playing connect4 with an adult. He's obsessed.
Little tiny Jane in her big car seat slept through most of the outing.
I helped the lady escape another game and the boys played with this building table as long as I let them.
Then we headed home so I could start dinner. Jonah happily was on baby duty.
Then they tried out the new game from the library.
John assisted them from the couch and kept Jane happy.
I love when she reaches her arms up like she's giving you a hug.

She is definitely the center of attention.
Such a doll in her little outfit.
Perry's cheese smile
They built a huge track with all their magformers.
Jonah wanted to feed Jane, but she isn't a great eater so I usually do it myself.
Poor Scott finally got a turn after she'd had enough.
Screens are a magnet.
Her big belly and little bonnet
Casually getting ready for bed

They play this Marvel game constantly.
John and Jane catching up on some sleep at church.
If Scott isn't playing with his brothers, he can usually be found reading quietly.
John's sister, Julie, sent us this dress and I love it so much. Made even cuter by the loose baby tights.
It makes her blue eyes pop
and has a ruffle bum.
Taking a little nap on my mom.
It was so nice having her come for a week and stay with us. Just being able to do school dropoff and pickup without the baby was invaluable. Faster and less physically strenuous and let her get some good naps in. Plus I ran errands without worrying about her screaming her tiny lungs out in the car.
Distracting Jane while I change her.
Scripture time. John sometimes shows the boys video clips from the church and they love it.
Karen came out to work in San Jose and snuck some baby time in as well.

All clean and fed and ready for bed.
Perry is so much bigger than when school ended. The big, daunting rock doesn't challenge him anymore.
Trying to fit a Costco haul in with a carseat.
Another outfit Julie sent that may be her only pants.
Wendy sent this dress. Jonah likes to pick her outfits and he loves this one.
Such a sweet brother.
When they're starting to get wild I can ask one of them to hold Jane and it calms everyone down. One day she'll join in the mayhem and help it escalate, so we're enjoying this stage for now.
She spits up so much, I tried having her wear a bib. But it covers half of her outfit.
Little chub passed out on daddy again.

These are 0-3 month jammies, but they seem to stretch out a ton because by morning they look huge.
Getting better at holding her paci in.
Look at those tiny piggies.
She looks so bitty folded up.
Grandma brought this dress and it's a little big, but it was so sweet I wanted to try it out. 
Trying to stay propped up after eating so she keeps her food down better.
Aaaaand another outfit change.
Constant love

Perry calls his finger Jane's lightsaber when she holds it like this.
Another precious outfit that looks even cuter on her.
She's so dainty in ruffles and a bonnet.
Everybody needed a picture with her.
Her little cheeks kill me.

And another napping on John. They are so good at getting each other to sleep. She really is calming, though. Warm and slow breathing and it makes you drowsy.
Napping on my mom. She stayed in the chair thinking Jane would get up any minute and 4 hours passed. That's dedication.
Sitting up so we can look around.
This is her excited to see you face.
Getting so strong and can hold her head up for a stretch now.
Exploring this new blanket pattern.
Trying to make sure I get a picture with her. Not her happiest moment, but better than nothing.
Her little worm look.
Matchies with Jonah.
I remembered Jonah had a pair, too, so I pulled them out of the next size bin for Perry. They're not exactly the same size spacing but it works with pjs. We'll need to get Scott in on it at Christmas.
Comfy looking.
Jonah's still the wildest sleeper.
Another day, another nap.
Jonah wanted her to lay on him.
While my mom was here, we went to dinner with John's old friends. Jane slept most of the time, but got a quick snuggle in before we left.
Notting Hill girls night with my sister before my mom left for Hawaii.
Big girl contemplating big things.
Sunday best
Always wants a picture with her
He wanted to take one of me, but I wasn't in my church clothes any more.
Sweet sleeping angel in my bed.
He picked some puzzles for us to do together one morning, then after I got it all set up he started playing a game in their lego magazine.
And made a finger puppet
Sweet big brother. I'm so impressed by how well he adjusted to not being our baby.
Teaching me Chesskers.
She was hungry, but I wanted her picture before she spit up all over her dress.
Giving the stink eye about going to school in the morning. She tolerates it usually if she can look around and has a pacifier in and she's not hungry and we're quick.
Sleeping beauty

After my mom left, Wendy came to visit and help.
I took just Perry to school while she was here and could go at his pace. Which is either racing or dawdling. 
Scott earned a new book from his rewards chart, so we went to the bookstore to pick on out. He tried a few pages each out of a stack of books to decide.
Jane discovering the toys on her bouncy seat. She occasionally will sit contentedly and look at them for a few minutes.
Little stinker in our bed again with her chubby cheeks. Lots of nights she'll nurse herself to sleep and I just leave her until she wakes up to eat again.
If she's out enough, she transfers to the stroller to walk to school. 
Perry and I got extra play time in together when we had company. It made for a much easier transition for him to sharing me.
Plus he had someone to be with while I napped with Jane.
Another day, another Jonah cuddle.
Perry really wants to hold her, but she's so floppy and squirmy.
Unless she's asleep. 
It was a busy month with lots of adjusting and endless baby loving.

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