
Thursday, January 9, 2020

Jane One Month

The first month with Jane has flown by. 
Katie took pictures when she was down here, but Jane was not cooperative. This is why you want newborn shoots in the first two weeks when they're sleepy. She still managed to get some sweet pictures and I love the crazy eye ones all the same.

Jane knows what she wants and nearly always gets it immediately. We're creating a monster.

But she's so sweet, it's the only way.

She likes being held at all times and usually sleeps in our arms.

She's gassy and fussy, but Jonah put it best when he said sometimes he wants to just squeeze her really hard because she's so cute.

We can't get enough.

1 comment:

  1. Cross-eyed bubble-blowing is my favorite! There is some psychology about wanting to squeeze cute things. Jane's in big trouble!
