
Sunday, May 3, 2020

Scott Turns 8

Scott picked the jump place, pump it up, to celebrate his birthday this year. Olivia couldn't make it, but he invited his classmate Kaitlin, who both boys play with at recess.
Perry was also invited, of course. 
He was feeling a little excluded, but Amanda came and one of us watched him play and that helped him. He was very brave.
They are sometimes braver than I'd like, but they have so much fun together. They ran nonstop the whole time and got lots of wild play time.
I had some problems with a crown from before our trip and went in to get it fixed the minute we got home, then cleaned and adjusted again on Scott's birthday. John came home early and worked from home the rest of the day so he could watch the kids while I was at the dentist. Jane fell asleep and it worked out to have him home while we went to the jump place, too. 
When we got home, we had quiche of course and the sweaty boys got baths.
Then Scott opened presents and Amanda brought them each something to open, which thrilled his brothers.
He liked this big set in the Lego holiday catalog, but didn't ask for it because he thought it was too expensive. I happened to see the exact set overstocked at Target after Christmas and bought it half off for his birthday. He was surprised and so excited.
Our big birthday boy.
At 8 years old, Scott is 51 inches (64th percentile) and 57 pounds (53rd percentile). His weight percentile has been dropping, so his doctor asked about his eating habits. When Scott listed all his favorite foods, she was impressed that he's such a good eater. I guaranteed his thinning out is just from getting older and is definitely not from lack of food.
His favorite food is still quiche, but he also loves homemade mac and cheese, enchiladas, and tacos.
His favorite animal is still penguin, movie is Star Wars, color is teal with green a close second, and book is the Dogman series. His favorite song is Across the Stars from Star Wars, which he learned on the piano, and primary song is A Child's Prayer, which he chose to sing at his baptism. He wants to be an engineer when he grows up and build things like robots or maybe be an astronaut. He likes to play games, play outside, play games outside, go to the park, read, and play or watch video games. 
Scott is an extremely responsible and obedient kid. I have to consciously try not to rely on him too much so he can just be a kid, but he loves Jane and is happy to help her for short periods. He's very protective of his free time and likes to stay home and play. He's clever and learns things quickly, but he's patient with others who learn at a slower pace. Scott is funny and appreciates humor, much to John's delight. He's very practical and literal and his mind seems to be always turning. We can't believe he's already eight and have been a little frantic thinking about what we want to teach and do with Scott over the next decade because it's flying by too quickly.

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