
Sunday, May 3, 2020

February Break in Colorado

We wanted to go someplace fun for February break and when we ran some ideas past the kids, they most wanted to visit cousins. So we found some cheap flights and invited ourselves to Sheri and McKay's house.
It was a fun, energetic week and the kids were in heaven.
We planned to go on some hikes, but it was snowy while we were there, which was perfect for the boys to get to play in snow. They were thrilled. This was as close to a group shot as we got. McKay was working and I was taking it.
We couldn't stay in their house all day with so many loud, active kids, though, so we went a few fun places.
The Denver Museum of Nature and Science was incredible.
Scott and Jonah did a few science experiments.

The extreme sports exhibit was a huge hit. They rock-climbed
Scott checked how long he could hold his breath
practiced balancing for surfing
ran through this parkour course a million times
and the highlight was this ninja warrior section that Scott was tall enough to do.
The space area was another draw that they would've stayed in all day. We saw where Jane sucks on the ergo and her hands in this heat sensor. Cool and gross.
The sand showed real-time topographical lines so it changed as the kids changed the sand elevation.
We ate our packed lunches and stayed until almost closing and only lost one kid for a few minutes, which isn't bad with 8 of them age 10 and under. We got pizza on the way home because the adults were pretty worn out after a full day of fun.
I'm glad we got to finally meet Addison. She is such a sweetheart and John and I just did whatever she wanted the whole time because she's so cute. We're in trouble when Jane gets older.
She really loved John. Probably because he read her as many books as she wanted.
Movie night!
We also ventured out to the state capitol.
It was beautiful and not very busy, so we got to go in several places. I was showing Perry a door that had his name on it and representative Perry Buck invited us in to meet her and ask questions.
We also went in one of the assembly rooms and the guards were very chatty. It was nice until the kids lost interest, but a few people mentioned how well-behaved they all were, so that was nice to hear. They really were patient given their ages and the activity.
The Hammond's candy tour was more on their level. There was an informational video
Then we saw the candy makers in action
Waiting for the rest of our crew who went to the bathroom.
Then we each got to sample a giant candy cane.
Back at home, the boys' favorite part of the trip was playing games with their cousins. And they played a lot. Some familiar, some new ones for our wishlist.
Perry also wanted to play outside so he could come in and have hot chocolate. Sheri made all his dreams come true.
They built a sad little snowman with Connor that they were so proud of and ran out to check on the next morning.
Perry wasn't as interested in touching the snow, but he crunched around in it in Bennett's spare boots.
Jane didn't care much for sitting in the cold
but she liked licking it off her hand muffs.
She was a fan favorite. She scooted herself backwards under the bed to get some space, a foreign concept to these kids. I took a picture before rescuing her.
Lots of books, some Gerald and Piggies John read in Spanish.
Jane was so helpful with Dallin's homework.
It was really snowing out. The picture didn't show it well, but it was very cozy inside with everyone playing together while it really came down.
When they started to get wild we'd redirect. Our boys were happy to go back in the snow since it was a novelty for them.
Jonah caught some big, fat snowflakes on his tongue.
Another day we went to the Air and Space Museum. It's one of the places that makes John feel like a kid again.
They tried out a real cockpit
and the Wright Brothers simulation. 
We met little Anakin
The tires were Perry-sized.
The head holes were not, so he had an assist from a taller brother.
Jane was happy being carried everywhere.
We all practiced landing a little plane, which was harder to time than it looked.
It was cool seeing real aircraft along with ones built for movies, like Star Wars, of course.
Perry wanted a picture of the cute little snowflake on his coat. I love his sweet little face and he was so adorable in that wool peacoat. It almost makes me want colder than jacket weather at home.
Back at the Easton's house, the boys took advantage of their big, empty cul-de-sac to play in the snow.
Jane stayed warm inside and found other discomforts instead. 
It was cute how much Addison loved having John read to her. She also helped me make fry bread for the first time for Sheri's Navajo tacos that we all loved. While we cooked, the rest of the crew watched Nacho Libre, which was another big hit.
The Eastons also had a massive collection of magformers, which our kids love.
Janie was so happy to have Daddy available for holding the whole vacation. John and I stayed up late playing games and talking with Sheri and McKay, which is why we love staying with family when we travel. Then Jane woke up several times a night and sleep with us and we were dragging by the end of the trip.
We weren't quite ready to leave, though. It was great seeing the Eastons and they took great care of us. Sheri let us eat them out of house and home and was so patient with all our boys' shenanigans. Then the night before we left, we heard McKay get home around midnight but early, early the next morning when we were leaving he still came down to hug us goodbye and had shoveled the walk and left our windshield wipers up so they weren't stuck to the car. 
It made for a smoother departure and before we knew it, we were on our way back.
We have very good plane travelers and the boys were great the whole vacation. It was encouraging to know that soon, when Jane's a bit older, we'll be ready for bigger adventures.

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