
Thursday, May 14, 2020

March I

Jane in her pramsuit
enjoying the swing.
Sadie came out with Karen and stayed with us a few days. Jane was a fan.
Waiting so patiently at the pediatrician.
Her legs are so long when she sticks them straight out.
I plopped her outside to watch her brothers play while I made dinner. She was happy out there for a long time.
Perry and I had a little hot chocolate one cold morning. And a strawberry and an apple and chips. He's very specific about what he wants these days.
Entertaining Jane with toys
Just being able to sit up makes her happier
Conked out on our walk home. You know you got up too early if you fall asleep on the walk home from school dropoff.
Perry was doing this puzzle of a picture from our Disneyland trip and was very upset to have been excluded from the puzzle and the trip. He doesn't remember Disneyland and loves Mickey so much, we wanted to take them over spring break while the kids tickets are on sale and John's work offers a discount as well.
Jane loves swiping her hands on the dryer and making a squeaking sound.
She also likes the Roomba.
Saying hi to her buddy.
We had to wait for her to fall asleep before getting a look at her tooth poking through.
She is so angelic when she's asleep. She doesn't stay asleep for long, though.
John, Amanda and I went to see the Cursed Child in San Francisco.
It was even better than I remembered and we were shocked that the cast changed from London because it was perfect continuity.
We went to a crepe place between shows that was so good and we had to roll ourselves back to the theater.
Giving Jane a little kiss.
We love her fluffy hair
She really chows down on the food in her net. Probably a combination of new flavors and teething relief.
Her happy place
Our friends got chickens and Jonah was the one brave enough to let one hang out on his arm. He regularly talks about when we get chickens, which we're open to but have zero plans to do at the moment. We already have the names Buckbeak, Norbert, and Buffalo picked out, so we're basically ready.
Perry wanted nothing to do with the chicks and everything to do with this swing.
Jane barely tolerates her bouncer now that she can get around, so I use the high chair for containment and entertainment more now.
The preschool group snacking on sour flowers while we waited for pick ups.
While Karen was in town, we drove up to Livermore to get lunch with Katie. I took the boys out of school early and met them at Panera, where Grandma got Perry a cookie the size of Jane's head.
Holding her little bottle while taking up the whole grocery cart with her car seat.
Our happy little love
Taking the bike, go-kart, scooter, and stroller to the park.
So happy in the swing
It was a sunny day and we were soaking up the outside time.
Jane gets into mischief constantly and the boys are good about stopping her. She loves Jonah and Scott's room because there is usually a pair of shoes available for her chewing pleasure.
Relocated to her safe zone.
She's getting so big in the bouncer, but it kept her safe while I packed us up to go.
Outside of the ymca childcare. 
Perry wanted a picture with Jane.
She loves the astroturf feeling.
I took the kids to Costco for a huge haul and they were great, so they shared a frozen yogurt on the way out.
Poor Janie got an empty cup, but she seemed satisfied with her reward.
Perry got this mustache from the dentist. It was sweet because he actually asked for two of them so he could give Scott one for his birthday, then the dentist gave him three so each of the boys could have one.
We had a teacher training day March 13th, so we had a late pj morning. They wanted to play video games, but didn't have enough minutes, so they made some pretend ones with their duplos. Even Jane got a simple one, which they found hilarious and she surprisingly loved.
 She started getting up on her knees for a second at a time. Mostly she just pulls herself along, but she's close to real crawling.
The mustachioed mischief makers.
More video games. I'm amazed how long this entertained them.
It's always a race to fall asleep first.
My mom spent a lot of time reading to the kids while she was here.
 A captive audience for bagel-making.
Making Jane towers to knock over
She loved it, they thought it was funny. They're really interacting more together and we all love it.
Going for a walk. Since we can't do much else outside of the house, we've started going for walks a few times a day. Any time the rain broke for a stretch, we went for it.
Enjoying some fresh squeezed orange juice and homemade bagels with Oma. It doesn't get much better than that.
When Jane's ready to read, we may need a bigger recliner. Or we could maybe use the huge sectional sitting next to it.
Her little pouty self
All happy again for daddy. We had our first church at home. It went well, but was pretty short,
leaving plenty of time for an afternoon nap.
Now that John's working from home, Jane is looking forward to many more.

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