
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Perry Turns 4

All this little sweetie wanted for his birthday was to have cake and to go to his friend's house where they would eat peanut butter crackers and play.
He couldn't go to Emma's like I had promised, but we tried to make the day special for him. French toast for breakfast and a big birthday banner the bigger boys made the night before. We also put candles on everything and sang to him every chance we got.
A new Mickey stories book
And a trash truck lego. Two favorites in one.
It was his first time with an actual lego set and he followed the instructions and put it together by himself.
He also got a tetherball set, which we are hoping entertains the boys while we're at home so much.
Some birthday snuggles from Jane.
His preschool friend brought over a homemade lollipop.
And they played games. Jonah and Scott were very diligent about doing Perry's chores and letting him choose all the activities, going first and having his way. He probably enjoyed that more than anything.
For his birthday cake he changed last minute to a white cake with Nutella and strawberries and Mickey Mouse. It was a scramble to find Nutella because it was as rare as toilet paper in the store, but my friend Kris had one for us to use.
Perry is seriously hilarious. Sometimes on purpose and lots of times not, but John and I are always laughing at what he does and says.
He has been the sweetest kid. He was a content and happy baby and easy going toddler. I thought the threenager year might bring the struggle, but he continued to be pleasant and a joy to be around. I miss bringing him along with me on errands and having alone time with him during the week. He has a speech issue and is still small for his age (his shirt in this picture is a size 2, pants are a 3), so he seems younger and I can get away with babying him a little more than I should.
At four years old, he hasn't had a check-up but he weighed 35 pounds and was just under 40" tall at home.
His favorite color is red
food is "macky cheese" (kraft, not homemade)
song is My Shot from Hamilton
primary song is I am a Child of God
animal is a cow "because they have milk"
For fun he likes to: make explosion noises and fight pretend bad guys, read books, play games, jump on the trampoline, bake with mommy, take tubbies, ride his scoot scoot, go to preschool.
When he grows up he wants to play video games.

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