
Sunday, May 3, 2020

February II

Jane's had this teeny bump on her forehead, but it hasn't grown and it's loose/not attached to the bone, so we were just watching it. You can see it pretty well in this picture because it got red, so I took her in to have it checked. The doctor still thinks it's just a tiny cyst and it might go away on its own or we can have it removed. We're just waiting it out since it's not bothering her.
Giving Jonah a little hug.
I love when they all play together...calmly. They can get very rambunctious and I get nervous and remove the baby from the action. And sometimes Perry, too.
She loves it, though.
She also likes individualized attention.
Jonah said she looked so cute in this sweater. He was right.
I do love dressing her up.
We were waiting for John outside of Scott's therapy appointment and seeing Scott dangling on the rail like this made him look so grown up I couldn't stand it.
Napping time
Oh my sweetness
I had to take Perry in to get a cavity between his back teeth filled. John did the boys' bedtime routine a lot since Jane was born and didn't know they needed to be flossed. I was dreading giving him the medicine and still feel really guilty about the whole thing.
Jane fell asleep at the office so I could properly worry while he was back there.
He was only gone about 15 minutes and it went well. Perry didn't seem phased other than biting his lip later in the day.
 I just kept giving him popsicles until the numbness wore off and let him watch shows. At least they're baby teeth and we're much more dutiful about the kids' dental care now.
Jane is better about eating purees now and we give her puffs in her chair. It entertains her a bit while we eat or during dinner prep if needed.
Acrobatic bottle feeding
Why, Jane? You can imagine how well nursing is going.
Jonah started sleeping on his floor again. He's almost always in a weird position when we check on him before bed, but this is intentionally moving his pillow and blanket and penguin to the floor and we have no clue why he does it.
She's a fan of real food. 
Our friend gave us some hand me downs that were a little snug, but we got a couple uses out of them before passing them on, like this baby vest.
Pulling herself around to get to toys
Mmm graham crackers, a favorite.
A little messy, but she smells sweet afterward.
She found Scott's football that Jonah gave him for his birthday. 
She also likes licking the tile floor....I know it's cold, but what a little weirdo.
Constantly being kissed and hugged
Scott likes to watch the kids play a game in the morning and I finally convinced him to join in. He didn't like it and said he doesn't want to do it again, but I was proud of him for doing a scary thing and now he doesn't have to stand around longing to try it.
He's getting braver and in more control of his feelings this year. Being at school has forced him to do hard things and he's really proving to himself that he can.

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