
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

February II

Most of our pictures from the second half of February were in Hawaii, but here are a few randoms.
 John sometimes does weird things with the kids and when I ask why he says that they like it.They make up crazy games and then Scott repeats them as long as John lets him. This one involved dropping farm animals on John's face through the barn door.
 Jonah was playing, then put his head down and rubbed his eyes. Bedtime! He started scooting around and can get Scott's toys now. Like the knives.
Scott started climbing into his highchair without help. One day he was just sitting there asking for food when I came in the kitchen.
 Jonah's scooting started out backwards and he found himself frequently stuck under furniture.
 Scott always wants canned green beans, or "bean beans" as he calls them. On his birthday I let him have at it and he polished off almost every bean.
 Closing the door when daddy tries to leave for work.
 I was putting Scott's toys in this storage bin and left the room. When I came back, he had started sorting my kitchenware into the drawers. So helpful. 
He's started mimicking everything, which is a really fun stage.

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