
Monday, February 22, 2021

SIP Week 37: Nov 22-28

She loves standing on the table.
And getting in the stroller for a walk.
And being a cute, silly girl.

Perry wants to grow his hair long, but it's always in his eyes and he doesn't want to wear hair clips anymore. So John wore one to show him it was fine. Then he took a yellow stripey nap.
Jane got serious with her sword fighting.
On guard!
Helping John take inventory of the camping supplies in the shed.
She wants Scott's penguin, but is afraid of the roomba.
Conked out on my shoulder.
We tried to do some service for neighbors over Thanksgiving week, which the kids have off from school. One day we walked a cute dog. Jonah was loving it.
We also pulled out someone's dead plants from their summer garden.
Jane was very curious about it.
Caught with her hand in the chocolate bag.
On the table again, this time dropping things and watching them fall.
Giving all the stuffed animals hugs.
We found Owlette playing in the backyard. 
My aunt sent the kids Christmas craft kits.
Perry loved having the one-on-one time with me working on his tree.
Until Jane woke up.
Scott and Perry did theirs mostly on their own.
Then the big house one John assisted with after work.
It lights up! They were excited to have something creative to do and get to display them as our first Christmas decorations for the year.
Another project we were working on was making cards for local military members and the children's hospital.
Nothing like a few videos on John's phone to make Jane stop moving for a minute and fall asleep.
My cute little bug
Getting every crumb off that muffin liner.
My other aunt sent Perry an erasable workbook and he loved it. He did the whole thing in one sitting.
I love her big eyes
Scott helped make quesadillas for lunch. 
When Jane cries, her brothers like to bring her a paci and penguin.
Watching Perry do his workbook again.
Our park was busy, so we went to another one and it was almost empty.
Always love trying a new park.
Hot chocolate time, also in our aunt package. 
Jane got upgraded to a baby mug. It was too soon and she spilled it, but it was very cute to watch.
Having a Thanksgiving cheese to tide her over until dinner was ready.
I was trying to get a picture in her cute turkey dress, but she only had stank eyes for me. 
Watching her try to walk in John's shoes was entertaining.
Thanksgiving dinner was delicious. 
She must have eyed the pies.
Brushing John's hair to help him relax after a long day of cooking and doing endless dishes.
Thanksgiving dinner was eater, so it was time for Christmas jammies to come out.
She's been crashing on us every night. It's lazy and probably setting very bad habits, but it means we can watch tv together at night.
I tried Jane's new rainboots on.
She was very wobbly in them and did not like them one bit.
Once I picked her up, she was fine. So much drama over shoes.
Cuties sharing a pony ride.
A unique sleep position to fall asleep in. She may take after Jonah.
Whatever it takes.

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