
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Attic Fan

John spent Saturday morning with his archnemesis: the attic.

He was installing an attic fan to see if it helps keep the house cool. I peeked up there to take a picture, but it was creepy looking and hot as hades, so I just took one without looking and climbed back down into comfort.
 I was going to take one when John came down, but he had sweated through his clothes. You can get the general idea from this
John hydrated then showered quickly in time for the stake temple trip. We'll see if it makes a difference.

Also: If you use blogger, I just changed from the old to new editor settings. It's muuuch easier to load pictures now and you can alter the size and location after loading easily. I'm guessing I'm behind the times and you already know this and have been using it, but if so shame on you for not telling me. I also made the pictures extra large because I like looking at big pictures. They might take forever to scroll through, so let me know if it's annoying and I'll change back.


  1. Umm, I have not made the switch because I'm afraid of change, but if it is really easier to upload pictures then I will definitely give it a try. Good luck with keeping cool.

  2. I know nothing about a new blogger editor. I'm tempted to try it out though. Also, I'm jealous of the attic fan.

  3. It was only $80 at Home Depot and took John a few hours to install it. You should add one to your house when you move in. Even if you have AC it will lower your energy bill.

  4. The attic fan seems to help a lot. It is way cooler on the hot days now. Well worth the $80 and sweat.
