
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Back to Real Life

By the time we made it home, John's left eye wasn't opening.
John had to have drops in his eyes 4x a day, which was no picnic for either of us. He's such a sport about being sick . . . with the exception of eye drops. I have never seen a more dramatic production.
Sometimes the 2 minute wait was enough to knock him out cold. He looks so pathetic here. Poor kid.
Luckily he was well enough to cook for me. Good man, John.
Spinach and ricotta ravioli. I'm thinking we need a pasta maker because my arms had a workout rolling out that pasta.
And strawberry tiramisu, which we learned how to make in our class.
Amanda came over to help with quality control.


  1. Oh no, poor John. At first I saw that picture and I wondered why John's sleepy face looks so weird. I really want to go to Italy and learn to make cool things.

  2. I still want to try the strawberry tiramisu one of these days. I glad John has recovered from the eye affliction.

  3. Awww. Poor John and his swollen eye. He looks very sad. The two of you are very adventurous cooks. Yum.
