
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The "Goldfish hike" at Sanborn

We went back to Sanborn, but a different section where parked on the street and walked right down to the water.
It wasn't a hike so much as a small walk
but it got us out of the house and into nature together.
Plus their favorite part is always the water anyway.
Scott found banana slugs.
Jonah went right into the creek.
Jane did a little exploring.
The kids had a snack and a goldfish cracker was dropped in the water.
Jane was very upset about the loss of cracker, but the boys pretended it was a real fish and watched it swim down the creek until it got stuck in a tiny pool.
Now Perry calls this the goldfish hike and wants to go back to check if it's still there.
This is a perfect hike to come back on a hot day and just enjoy the shade and water.

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