
Sunday, December 5, 2021

April I

Paint prep for another "asperient."
And for fun.
Finishing off the apple crisp crumble. It is the best part.
Scott trying some tricky moves for his next Horse game.

Jane wanted to join, which is not easy with a basketball flying around.
Our April Fool's Dinner, where everyone orders courses of food without knowing what it is, and it's separated out.
John ordered water and sauce first. Jonah got apple crisp and dipping butter. It's very simple, but super silly and the kids loved it.
Jumping for joy on our walk.
My cutest girl.
I cannot get enough of her.
Movie night snacks.
Trying out the sneaky snacky squirrel game I got Perry to help him with small motor skills and dexterity. She found it and set it up herself while I was getting him to bed.
Toddler back massage
Water gun fights.
"Where beeboo?"
Belly button!
Kisses for Minnie. Grandma sent Jane this little Minnie and she is obsessed with it.
Brief break for some fruit.
Too cool.
Oma sent the kids tent kits and John set up the first one as a surprise. Jane helped, of course.
They loved the forts
and got creative with them.
Basically we've had nonstop forts ever since.
Jonah in a bush
Helping herself to Easter candy on my dresser. Which she accessed by climbing on the nightstand from the bed.
Good thing she's cute because she is trouble.
Stopping to smell the roses.
She is just a ball of sunshine.
We went to see the neighbor's new kitties.
Even Scott needed a snuggle.
Jonah sweetly gave the momma cat some attention, while everyone else only paid attention to the babies.
Then they played with a leaf blower. 
Jonah was about ready to bring this little guy home.
Watching some construction across the street.
Perry had to stop for a picture on the park sign on the walk home.
Jane looking so retro in her drop waist dress.
About to cause mayhem on the trampoline.
Going for a walk in her Wild Thing outfit.
So appropriate for her.
She must walk along every raised path and jump from every raised surface.
Leftover apple crisp with vanilla ice cream. 
Train play after her brothers are in bed so she has full control. 
Walking on her book like a little weirdie.
Scott spelled out Mommy with the fort poles for a birthday surprise.
Amanda made me a delicious honeycomb cake.
Scott's little birthday card cake was too cute. I love small, simple drawings, which are his specialty.
Then, exactly 13 months after their last day of school, Scott and Jonah went back to class in person. They have school two mornings a week in class, one full day is asynchronous still, then the other two mornings and all 4 afternoons online with their teacher from home. We could've started a few weeks ago, but waited until the teachers, John and I were vaccinated. We were still hesitant, but they were SO happy after their first day back with other kids. They loved it and their mental health was soaring, so we know it was the right choice.
Jane's crib scribbling.
Naughty little cuteness.
She gets away with everything.
John made me an oreo cheesecake for my birthday because I was still dreaming of the one we had at Christmas. It was delicious.
Kisses for bun bun.
Aaaand an apple. 
Post-nap smiles.
Lunch in the backyard when I need a break from the noise and the constant messes.
Hanging out in the dugout at the park.
Climbing the walls.
Helping John in the garden.
It's hard work supervising everyone all the time.

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