
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Week 29: Sept 27- Oct 3

Perry always shares with his little mooch sister.
Playing a game during a school break.
She loves pushing her stroller around.
He has been reading nonstop.
Climbing the blanket ladder to close the blinds.
Playing a dice/adding game for our preschool time together.
Jane wanted to join us.
John went into the office and we were stuck inside.
Jane trying some puzzles
while Perry and I played junior Scrabble. She didn't stay entertained long before she tried to play with us.
Little stinker in her blanket basket.
And trying on her brothers' headphones.
The desk wasn't really designed for 4.
Dumping the colored pencils.
I took this to show Scott his cool bedhead.
The boys all pitched in to wash the car for Jane.
Jonah made her a "hug me" sign, then followed his own instructions until she ripped it off.
Dumping her jammies.
Jonah's duplo shield.
Washing their dirty feet before bed. The boys usually use Jane's tub water to clean up and it can get very brown if they've been outside.
Kicking her patient, loving brother.
Slamming the blinds closed.
Trying out some chalk outside.
We went to get Krispy Kreme donuts and the line was very slow. I walked up and down the sidewalk with Jane while the boys waited outside in line. 
Jane says it was worth the wait for her to get a donut.
Oh my goodness, she's too much.
Too much trouble.
Too much cuteness.
Peeling apples from our apple picking trip with the intent to make apple crisp.
Jane ate them as fast as the boys could prep them, though. I ended up making 6 extra apples to get enough for apple crisp. 
All dressed up just because we can. 

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