
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

SIP Week 24: Aug 23-29

Getting every last minute of play in before falling asleep.
Perry finished his preschool workbook and was very excited to start the kindergarten one I bought for him.
My little sunshine cheering up our morning.
Dance party line
Such a good helper
Perry joined Scott's class for yoga.
So smiley about puzzle time
and threw a tantrum a second later when we wouldn't let her chew the pieces.
Smocking makes her look sweeter
Jonah wanted to give her a shoulder ride, but she was not a fan.
Eating a firestarter, as one does.
Colluding siblings.
Supervising Perry's speech therapy session.
Napping with her cute bum in the air.
She loves her Jonah
Handing us dishes to get them filled with food.
More eggs, please?
It's been too smokey to play outside, so there's been a lot of reading going on.
Using the Duplo basket to climb higher.
Stealing her brother's headphones.
She's playing with toys more and more.
She uses whatever it takes to get what she wants.
And the boys still give her whatever they have to make her happy.
Jane loves the piano and is very proud of herself being able to climb up the bench to reach it.

She wants a spoon, even though she uses her hands to eat.
I bought the boys a full candy bar for family movie night, which was a big hit.
Jane had a few m&ms. She was a fan.
Climbing the fridge to get to the yogurt or cheese.
Climbing the sink
to get to the toothbrushes.
Checking her brothers' work.
We used her toy to flip cars down a ramp.
Eating lunch with her baseball hat on. She loves baseball hats.
Pigtailed piano player
She likes to be among the action, even when it's not very action-y.
We're working on Perry's letter sounds this year, so we broke out Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
Jane testing Scott's shield's strength
Cotton ball fight
Perry loves this hat and wanted suspenders on. So I took his picture with a rootbeer and guitar.
It was so cute we added glasses and a beard for a full hipster effect.
I came home to find John playing Zelda
and the boys watching
and Jane crashed on the floor.
Poor baby needs her mama
That nap refreshed her for more shenanagins.
She loves looking at books. So far she's been very gentle handling them.
Cutie little pig tails.
Which she ripped out before her ax wielding. 
She ate 3/4 of a sourdough waffle, plus fruit.
I love that our kids are good eaters, even if it means they're also big eaters. 

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