Cedric had no lack of attention at our house.
Jonah asked to hold Baby Cedric every time he saw him.
He loved me.
As long as his mom wasn't visible, Cedric was happy to be with us.
He didn't always love being held by Scott and Jonah, but put up with it.
Scott tried out his new bike on a walk around the block.
Jonah, who never wants to be buckled into anything, chose the wagon ride so he could sit with The Baby.
He's a beautiful baby!
Scott learning how to pedal.
The little guys playing in the wagon.
Cedric puts his whole face into his smile.
He was not into his hat, which is a shame because it was adorable.
Keeping the blanket on the baby.
Eventually, Jonah got out to run and would push Scott when his bike stopped.
I wanted to take a picture of the boys in their matching sweaters, but the sun set too quickly.
We tried briefly inside before dinner.
Not a great picture quality, but three cute boys.
Cedric's smile kills me!
Happy snuggles.
Obviously excited to have Jonah kiss him.
Uncle Ricky!
It's nice of Cedric to give Scott and Jonah some practice at being a trio. Cedric seemed to enjoy/tolerate all of the attention. He's certainly a baby of a thousand expressions!