
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Jonah 3 months

Our little chunk has hit a quarter of a year already. 
He's very quick to smile and fusses much less these days.
He's rolled over front-to-back a few times and has started to rotate while on the ground or in his crib. 
He can still be slightly calmed by a pacifier and has found his hand to suck on when we're not around.
Jonah is pushing 16 pounds and filling 6-month clothes (depending on the brand).
He has sensitive skin like Scott did at this age. His little rosy cheeks are from rubbing his face in his sleep. Time for the soft, flannel Christmas sheet!
Jonah has been sleeping like an angel at night, about 8-10 hours, takes sporadic naps throughout the day and goes down without a fight. He still sees his formula container as a challenge and tries to empty it weekly. 

1 comment:

  1. Jonah's such a wonderful not-so-little armful! He must be really anxious to grow bigger so he can play with Scott.
