
Sunday, January 3, 2010


I'd been in the ward a week before they called me to primary. I teach the CTR 5 and 6 class, which has ten sweet little kids. I love it because when I run out of material or they seem bored, we just sing or color.
John was called to be the ward membership clerk. He loves clerking. Almost as much as I love using clerk as a verb.


  1. I'm glad you love your church callings. I got to be a primary teacher many years ago and I loved it.

  2. Hee hee, I like the word clerking. And I always like teaching primary.

  3. Primary kids are so cute. I love it when they're young enough to think coloring is the coolest thing in the world. Come to think of it, when my seminary students looked bored or were falling asleep, I would break out the marking pens and paper and have them color something. They loved it. I guess coloring is something you never grow out of.

    Your new ward is lucky to have you. We always get excited when capable people move into our ward. Its wonderful to have members who can be counted on to do a good job.

  4. I had a primary calling a few years ago and I really enjoyed it. You can do so many fun lessons with the little kids. And coloring is always so fun. Especially when you get to kneel on the floor and use your chair as a table. I think primary kids will be coloring like that for years to come.
