
Sunday, April 10, 2022

November II

Jane helped me with yardwork. A little weeding, a little trampoline jumping, a lot of entertainment.
Perry and his kinder buddies playing in the dirt after school while waiting for their older siblings to get out.
Jane and I went for a scooter walk and she picked a book from a little free library. Which she then held while she scooted home one handed.
Hedgehog pockets!
Face plated in our bed.
She and Jonah are not still sleepers.
Perry didn't want to engage with the doctor for a speech assessment, so I had him read her a book. He read the whole thing, then didn't want to get off the zoom call and asked when his next appointment was.
We babysat for the older boys' first grade teacher.
He was a big hit and the kids loved getting out all the baby toys and entertaining him all morning.
Jane put on a silly show.
Perry wanted to hold him, but he's quite chunky.
Jane posing in the yard while we pushed him on the swing.
We also did some dog sitting.
Jane did not like when they went a different direction than she wanted, but she loved holding their leashes because they were small enough for her to control.
Studying up on her Harry Potter Legos.
She found the lego glasses.
John and I went to get booster shots and Jonah stayed with the support dog they had for the kids. He spent the whole night by his side.
Jane's new smile for the camera.
You never know with three older brothers when you may benefit from wearing a helmet. She actually just likes her "hat" on so she's ready for a scoot at all times.
Jane loves running errands with me, which make them take forever, but I love seeing her interact in the world.  
She picked up each footie jammie and determined whether or not it was cute. 
Then she had to carry the bag out herself.
Another favorite activity around here is snowball fighting. 
Jane caught on quickly.
The more people involved, the more fun it gets.
Even puppy Jane likes playing.
Her bizarre bagel eating pattern left her with a cream cheese moustache.
Janie in overalls.
One afternoon we met Katie and Ryan's family at Coyote Hills for a trail walk.
Our kids love running up and down the hills.
They liked seeing cousins.
All scattered about. At the end Perry hurt his knee and I had to go back up the hill to get him and give him a piggy back ride down. It was a workout for sure. 
Jane's music class had snowballs and she knew exactly what to do.
Then some swinging at the park.
Her hair in the sun looks perfectly highlighted. 
Scott and Perry got their second vaccines and added their wait time stickers to the wall. Jonah had some sniffles so we held off taking him until later.
Jane trying out the pockets in her overalls. She doesn't like denim, but I pointed out the many pocket opportunities and she was willing to give them a go.
So cute with her strawberry sweater and boots boots.
She wanted to snap herself, but couldn't. It's an ongoing battle for her to not be quite there in dexterity, but all the way there in desire.
She found my Christmas ornament and thought it was her. "Aww, cute baby."
We do look similar, especially with our hats on.

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