
Sunday, April 3, 2022

November I

Perry helped Jane get her baby's diaper bag packed
so we could go for a walk.
Trying to snuggle after her bath, but Jonah was too engrossed in Harry.
Trying out the hairbrush texture on her tongue.
Reading on the bookstore floor.
Our morning of errands caught up to her.
Amanda and I tackled the dead garden and weeds in her backyard.
Post-season cleat soak. They were stanky.
She needed a little water and a little oj.
John and I were looking for something and cleaned out in and behind and under and around the sectional. We found quite the collection, the ax being our favorite.
We introduced the littler two kids to Wallace and Gromit, one of my childhood favorites.
Super excited to go get covid vaccines. We snagged next day appointments in San Martin and I drove them down before school. 
Jonah was not concerned at all after the flu shot.
Scott still didn't love it, but was excited to not need to be as cautious after this. He was hoping masks would be done for him once he's fully vaccinated.
Perry wasn't phased at all and even watched. Jane was crying the whole time, begging for a shot. Pretty sure it's because she eyed the lollipops they were handing out afterward. The boys asked them for an extra one for her, which was sweet and made her happy.
Then we took them to school and came home for some swining.
When Scott gets hot, he rolls up his pants instead of switching to shorts. Anything to avoid having to change clothes.
My baking buddy.
Jonah eating and breathing Harry Potter until he got through the whole series.
Jane studying up on some Star Wars. 
Getting a precarious horsie ride from Perry.
Little cutie bean.
Perry wanted his hair out of his face, but not a haircut, so we tried a Rey style.
Corduroy and boots, must finally be fall.
Music class with a little participation. 
Always looking the part.
Ready for wee-wees after class.
Perry reallllly wanted to match Jane with their Mickeys, but Jane's jammies were so big on her and his are getting too small. They are spaced out further than the first two siblings, for whom I bought them.
Hat, backpack, and boots, ready to go!
Bathed and braided, watching John play "Mariocraft."
Reading on the couch while John tries to work. It's been a struggle balancing my own work time but not ignoring Jane. TV is the easiest distractor, but I try to only use them when absolutely necessary. Reading and play-doh generally buy us some time. 
We pulled the boys out of school for a 4-way dentist appointment.
Jane checking out her teeth pictures
and enjoying her balloon animal the dentist made for her. He thought she was the most adorable thing, which is good because she was climbing all over waiting for the boys' cleanings to finish.
We made a tasty afternoon snack for when the boys got home from school. They love apples with caramel dip. Almost as much as strawberries with Nutella.
Jane was outgrowing the Disneyland outfits I bought her when we were originally planning a trip, so I popped one on to get a picture in case we didn't get to it in time. 

Train track hula hoop
Really getting into her bean bag song.
She's really warming up and participating more, not just waiting it out for the park visit.
I love having one morning a week dedicated to Jane time, with an age-appropriate, engaging, social activity for her. We aim for more, but at least I know she's guaranteed this one.

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