
Monday, June 17, 2013

Wendy's visit

My Aunt Wendy came to visit and get a little Scott fix. We tried to do some fun things while she was here, such as getting fresh churros--I mean going to the San Jose Giants game.
 The San Jose Museum of Art. This was actually pretty lame, but we went to the King library and Sonoma Chicken Coop while we were downtown and it was so hot at home that the air conditioned buildings made it worthwhile.
We went swimming with Becky and Anna at their community pool.
 We played at the park several times.
 Mondays John has softball games with his company team, so we watched parts of those after we wore Scott out at the park.
 John played very well. I think the tall socks helped.
 We went to lunch while Amanda was serving one day. Another day when she had off we took them to the Emma Prusch Farm Park.
 Scott's new skill of pointing comes in handy for communicating.
 He loves Amanda, especially when she rescues him from animals chasing him.
 This goose followed Wendy everywhere and pecked at her until she went to the car to get quarters to buy him food. He really scared Scott, who didn't want anything to do with the birds after that.
 The tractor was still okay, though.
 And he didn't mind chasing this little chicken.
 These pictures are when I was about 31 weeks for those interested in such things.
 Little duckling.
 Scott seemed to enjoy exploring even more this time.
 I had my sister take a picture of this bird to show John because he looked like Darth Maul.
 Scott loved all the playtime with Wendy. He followed her around the house and made up games with her.
 She bought him a little water table that was a big hit.
 He plays with it for a long time until he starts putting rocks in and it gets muddy. 
 We went hiking one Saturday morning at Quicksilver. 
 Scott collected many rocks.
 It was so hot and hilly and I turned us back around after about a mile and a half.
 John took Scott off roading while I slowly worked my way up a long incline. He found a geocache out there.
 Another morning we spent at Gizditch Ranch picking boysenberries and olalliberries. Scott quickly found out the bushes had something edible and started to help pick.
 Then some rocks distracted him. 
 It was surprisingly cool and pleasant that day. We had a picnic lunch, bought some freshly pressed apple juice and played with friends.
 Scott following Lincoln.
 He couldn't be happier than with his berry face and dirty knees.
 Scott likes playing fetch. Usually we throw balls, but he'll use anything that's around, like a pillow, Tigger, etc. He was playing fetch with Wendy and took it a step further and used his mouth. We don't have a dog and I have no clue where he picked this up, but it cracked us up.
Scott watches and copies us all the time. He liked seeing what Wendy was up to, especially when she was getting ready in the morning. He was obsessed with her baby powder and used it for cooking.

Thanks for coming to see us, Wendy! Come back again soon!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun, wonderful visit you had with Wendy! Thanks for sharing her with us a couple of those days.
