
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

47 Weeks

My newest favorites:
 Playing with Grandma and Darth Vader
 Scott is getting practice with finger foods. He usually has a little of whatever we're eating at meals now, too.
Travel-sized lotion bottles are also a favorite these days. I love his face here.

 He dumped his train box out every day until the box died. Now he pulls out the basket with the train toys in it and loves breaking apart the track when we put it together.
Scott slept through the night in his crib one night last week. He hasn't been needing bottles at night (and therefore a fresh diaper) but he still wants to come in bed with us. He tends to hog my side of the bed and I always get the bottom half on him.
 Helping me open the mail
 I knew he was chewing on the potato bag, but didn't realize he'd gotten through to the potato. I scraped little pieces out of his mouth and he looked at it then tried to lunge for it with his mouth like I was feeding it to him on my fingers.
 He's been really energetic and happy. When he's up late or whining we'll start to get annoyed, but then he'll scrunch his nose, crawl in a circle, growl, or some other cute thing that we can't help but laugh about.
 Amanda teaching him high fives.
 Karen and Alan are coming to stay with us for a while, so Rocky is back in the yard. Scott loves it.
What more does a boy need than a light saber and a dog?
 Another pastime of Scott's is emptying things. My primary bag in the hallway is a go-to of his. He likes putting things back in, too, but gets easily distracted.
He's been talking a lot more, but stops for the camera. One day we were in the car waiting for John at work and I caught some babbles in the mirror without him knowing.
The sunlight really messed with this video, but you can still sense his enthusiasm for spoons.
It's the little things in life.

1 comment:

  1. His babbling is so cute. I love that he crawls in circles too.
