
Monday, September 24, 2012

30 Weeks

Scott loves John and John loves Scott.
 John dressed Scott for church. Lookin good!
 He was getting irritated with his dinner, so I gave him a snack. After 2 ounces of milk he was ready to get back to business with his carrots. (Rest assured he gets organic food, so there is less risk of nitrate poisoning. His pediatrician said no carrots, but I read that by 6 months his stomach should be able to process nitrates and nobody I talked to was told to avoid carrots with their babies. Just to be cautious I only give him organic carrots and it's mixed with rice cereal. The doctor also said to use brown rice or wheat cereal, but someone gave us their extra rice cereal and we use that, too. So I've decided to switch pediatricians because she increases my already high anxiety level.)
 Since our pediatrician also banned Orajel (benzocaine can cause methemoglobinemia) Scott has been crankier than ever before. Which actually isn't that cranky. But one prevening I could not get him to cheer up, so I put him on the front porch. Just being outside lightened his mood:
 We also get little doses of Tylenol from time to time. Those make us super happy. See that little tooth?
 Here's a closer shot:
 We also try the jumper. Scott likes being in there if you're hanging out with him. But if you leave the hallway he gets lonely.
 John wanted to play with Scott after work and woke him from his nap to do so. Scott consequently had a hard time staying energetic by dinnertime.
He chews his fingers when his teeth are bugging him. I took this because his hair was so fluffy after his bath.
He's tired of being called bald just because he has fine, light hair.
So I spiked his hair for him. He likes the mohawk look.
Our friend Heather came over for lunch and brought Scott this hat. 
He's been sleeping 10-12 hours at night and napping once instead of twice during the day most of the time. One night he slept 13 hours and woke up super happy.
Since he sleeps so long we've been putting extra liners in his diaper to keep him dryer. It looks ridiculous!
His favorite part of life right now is eating big boy food. This little net feeder holds chunks of food that he can suck and chew on.
He loves being able to hold it himself and I love not freaking out about him choking to death. Plus, now John and I can eat meals together without taking turns spoon-feeding Scott. Win-win-win.


  1. It seems like every other day they ban something else. It's a wonder there are even people still left alive today with all the stuff our parent's did that we aren't supposed to do now.

    Scott is getting so big! And he looks so much like John.

  2. Wow he is such a good sleeper! The pictures all look great :)

  3. I love all those wonderful pictures, but the one with him waking up super happy after his 13 hour sleep is my favorite. He looks so cute and snuggly! There sure are a lot of things to worry about when it comes to feeding babies. I'm glad nobody ever told me when my kids were babies. I'd have been scared to try anything.
