
Saturday, September 15, 2012

28 Weeks

Scott is now able to hold his big bottles when they're full. Even sitting in his carseat. I still like holding him to feed him, but his new skill comes in handy.
 He loves straps. His baby pack, stroller, and carseat all have built-in entertainment.
 He loves water.
 I love his chunky legs in his too-short bathrobe. 
 It's so cute, though.
 Hanging out with John before his flight back to Idaho.
 Scott had some rough nights while John was away due to a tooth breaking through. I figured out he falls asleep when I rub his back. Who doesn't love a back rub? (And yes I let him sleep on his stomach. And with bumpers. And girly sheets. On a waterproof pad. Mother of the year.)
 I also let him play on the bathroom floor while I shower.
 Going from sitting to crawling position to attack his toys.
 He's been scooting backwards and getting stuck places. He's not a fan.
 Scott loves food. Everything we give him is swallowed right down. I let him chew his washcloth after eating and he cleans his mouth and hands for me.
 He chased down his meal with some chicken leg.
 He was pretty sad, so I gave him Tylenol before his nap. (Orajel's been put on the black list. Nuts.) Then I distracted him until the medicine kicked in.
 Playing in his toy box.
 Finally John came home! 
 Scott was disappointed to find his dad doesn't share his hot dogs.
 We watched his buddy Jack on Friday afternoon and he wouldn't share his goldfish either!
 Jack was very helpful feeding Scott. Little kids seem to love "the baby" even when the kids themselves are about the same size.
We had a long week and are glad Scott is back to his happy self and John is back home to play.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I love that picture of him stuck under the couch. His face is awesome. I love his bath robe too.
