
Saturday, January 7, 2012

First Temple Trip

John and I reviewed our personal and family goals from last year and tweaked them for the upcoming year to try to be realistic about having a newborn.
 For example, in 2011 I wanted to average reading one book per week, which I did if you count school texts and scriptures. For 2012 my aim is one per month (for book club).
Last year we attended the temple twice per month. This year we'll try for once a month.
Our first trip was with the San Jose South Stake. There was a beautiful sunset in Oakland, but by the time John came out for a picture it was dark.
It still looks so nice lighted at night, though.
And I already finished January's book. So far so good.

1 comment:

  1. And when you go to the temple, I'm sure there will be plenty of willing babysitters.
