
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Food Model

One day I went to Safeway in search of inspiration for lunch. I found this sourdough bread bowl for $1.29, which was easily big enough to share. Then I got one of their recipe cards for potato soup (we added bacon to it, though :) and voila, lunch.
I told John he should market that excited face and be a food model. Who wouldn't want that food after seeing his big eyes? But this is what I got:


  1. Thats awesome:) It made me giggle. John you should totally be a food model.

  2. Ah yes, the Blue Steel look. That's the mark of a true model.

  3. I'm not sure what pictures you guys are looking at, but I think John should probably keep his day job. :p

  4. What model? I'm just looking at that amazing bread bowl. It's big enough for a whole family! I bet the soup was delicious.
