
Monday, April 13, 2020

January I

The kitty made a mess one day, so I propped Perry in front of Mickey Mouse while I cleaned up. They were both enjoying themselves.
Brothers on school break means more hair to pull.
Delicious wampa
She was fussing while I made her bottle and stopped-- poor baby had scooted herself back under the couch and self-soothed with her thumb.
Scott got this solar system set a long time ago, but was very particular about it back then. He's much more relaxed with projects now and finished painting it.
Chores get the house clean, minutes for them, and teamwork for everyone.
Perry showing me how I'm so big
and Jane is tiny and cute.
So many helpers at Costco. They actually were mostly helpful and our trip went smoothly, but they were so busy it still took a long time.
Such a cutie

Scott with the standing assist
She likes to rip her shoes and socks off.
Jonah loves picking her up and bringing her to me. It's great when she's fussing, but when she's happy I say let her play!
Taking a picture of Jane after church so I could get Perry to take one.
Mostly worked.
It was his first day out of nursery and starting in primary. 
He didn't want me to leave and our sunbeam teachers weren't there to help with the transition. Jonah is one of two kids his age, so they have him in Scott's class and they put them in senior primary because even with both wards combined it's too small on its own. So Perry didn't have his brothers in junior primary with him to help, either. John and I both teach and we switch off with Jane so hopefully he gets comfortable soon or it'll be interesting. He did look adorable, though.

Jane tasted the Rody horse.
Scott always reading.
Napping time all around.
Such a big baby in the little bouncer.
Perry was so excited to find "Scott milk" at Target. We called non-dairy milk Jonah's milk, and Perry started calling cow's milk Scott's and it cracks me up.
Perry decided we should get this "so beautiful coat for Jane can be warm" and when he's little again he can wear it.
Scott and Jonah started a karate class at ymca. It's later at night than I'd prefer, but more affordable and less commitment than private places so we can see how they like it.
I always want a king sized bed when we have a baby. They're so small, yet take up so much room.
Perry is very into Skyjo and loves playing with me while Jane naps.
One tired face and one just waking up.
We didn't use our living room very much after we finished the play room, but now that we have all the books and couch in there it's become a welcoming, slightly quieter place to be.
So happy with John.
Baby jackets aren't my favorite to use, but they're too cute.
Nakie baby
Keeping Jane entertained
Reading before bed
Getting her hooked on some quality literature
Her happy place
The field at school was frosty and Perry wanted to know why the grass turned white and crunchy.
It had melted in the sunny areas and he found some sour flowers to chew.
The more helpers, the less counter space.
John put a closet organizer in the boys' room so they can reach their clothes without a step stool. There's some extra storage space in there now, too.
Sunday naps looking so classy
Making a fort to play in with Jane
Such a sunshine
John was getting her to walk and dance.
I broke out Amanda's old knit outfit. Jane hated the hood SO much. I think it was a little itchy.
Helping with preschool
We learned about weather
Making a sun
Having a snow ball fight with cotton balls. It was a huge hit.
Playing Jane's music toy to keep her happy.
Scott and Jonah also loved the snow balls. Scott made a snow angel.
Play hard, crash hard.

Walking to school in the pouch.
Jane loves grabbing at the mobile.
Perry's cloud art project
We also learned about new years and had a countdown and cider toasting with their party hats, which was adorable.
Speaking of adorable
Jane being yet another cute baby in overalls. 
Usually I avoid taking the kids shopping after school because Jonah is overly energetic and Scott just wants to be home, but I was teaching preschool in the morning and needed a couple things for dinner. I prepped them ahead of time with a specific list, my expectations and a promised reward. We went in, found what we needed, which they divvied up to carry while I held Jane and the diaper bag, paid, and left. It was seamless and so encouraging. I love my helpful little ducklings.
We got home and I gave them the pretty princess game I had picked up earlier. It was a big hit and they played the whole time I made dinner.
Jane did not cooperate as much, but thankfully John came home and took over baby duty until he left for his young men's activity. 
She had to soak up her snuggle while she could. 

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