
Sunday, February 23, 2020

October I

Jane never gets tummy time because we all want to play with her all the time.
She saves all her smiles for her daddy.
And her burp cloth.
Never a more loved burp cloth.
I got up early to nurse and get my bags ready, then hustled to get the y after school dropoff and their childcare was full. While waiting for an opening, Perry found this.
I got Jane to fall asleep and found some crayons for Perry and decided to take them to the next class since we missed the first one.
The instructor said kids weren't allowed even though I've seen them regularly in other classes, so I left in exhausted, frustrated tears. Darn hormones.
Jane cheered me up.
Having a new baby is always a challenge, especially the physical and mental recovery, but having 4 kids has been harder than I expected. It's mostly because I can't get any regularity with school drop off and pick ups every day and Jane's not the most content baby.
We're still working on finding a better formula to help her tummy. She spits up a lot and I push myself to breastfeed more than would be convenient because it's the only thing that seems to agree with her.
Any little disruption to my schedule or having things not run smoothly affect me more than they should. Her angelic little self helps me remember my priorities and try to be more flexible.
Technically eating in the kitchen.
I spend half the day feeding Jane
so she can spit it back up on me.
But what a little cutie.
It makes me nervous, but Jonah loves picking her up.
Jonah shared his stuffed animal and asked me to come take a picture, "She's SO cute! I think it's her new friend."
I was doing something with Scott and Perry thought I was taking his picture, so he ran over to join in.
Well hello there.
She doesn't like to be put down, so we cook dinner with the ergo sometimes. Or wait for John to get home, but that makes the kids hangry and it's a rush to get them to bed.
So much happier with John home.
Perry baby wearing his penguin, affectionately named Baby Perry.
My sweet little boy has been great transitioning to not being the baby.
Cute little doll.
Movie and popcorn night.
No popcorn for Jane, but she's still happy to be all together.
I got a haircut and sent John a picture from the car. My hair is coming out by the handful, so I'm glad it's shorter now. 
Sweet baby didn't miss me too much.
Best nap buddies
While we watched conference, the boys did science experiments.
Jane cracks us up with her expressions.
We went for a family walk to run some errands and it was hot and long, but nice to get out all together.
Jane fell asleep with her froggy legs dangling.
She loves grabbing her dress and showing us her tummy.
She's so adorable we can't handle it.
Perry doesn't have much strategy,
but he knows how to play checkers and he loves it.
Meeting up with a friend at the park, so I put her in the outfit they gave us. Perfect for a hot day.
Another gift she fits in, cute little sister pajamas from the boys' first grade teacher.
Perry entertaining Jane at school drop off.
She was screaming on the way home and Perry was trying to make her be happy.
He tried to share a little lick of his popsicle with her.
Reading brothers
Perry took his friends with him to bed
Stuffed bear, a marker, and cookie scoop.
Trying some toys to distract her in the car seat.
Ready to try some real food.
Pushing herself up. She wants to be big and we want her to stay little.
Little ice cream social dress.
Cozied up on our walk.
Pulling out all the smiles for Kassandra at her 3 month pictures.
Perry helps his preschool friend buckle and unbuckle.
After flu shot donuts at Safeway, since the family shops were closed and krispy kreme is too far to drive with Jane. I distracted Scott and he didn't even flinch. Perry was tough as always. Jonah told me after he doesn't think he can be in Gryffindor since he wasn't very brave. I told him he has a few more years before he gets sorted.
Trying out the baby pumpkin hat.
Endless kisses for baby Jane
Ready to start wearing some 3-6 month clothes. I love this sweater dress.
Big smiles in her big jammies.
We tried out John's Halloween wig.
and beard.
Scott looks great with long hair.
I showed Jonah it was just fun and silly, but he didn't want to try.
Smiles for John
stuck out tongue for me.
I love lazy weekend early mornings.
And then getting work done together.
Lounging in her whale outfit.
Perry needed to snuggle her.
Eventually Jonah came to me and said he wanted to try the Hagrid hair, too. He sometimes just needs longer to warm up to ideas.
Hercules movie night
She likes being up in the air
but her tummy doesn't always.
Sleeping angel.
Ready for church, little handsome pants in his cardigan. He finally started wearing size 3.
Smiley baby after church.
A rare photo of us both dressed and awake.
We can't stop kissing this cutie.

Trying to sit up.
Amanda came over to celebrate her birthday.
She had many candle helpers.
Baby Jane and banana bread, her faves.
Perry worked hard on her birthday card. 
We just love this chub
Perry accidentally hit Jonah with his bat when they were playing baseball in the backyard. Jonah and I spent some quality time together at Kaiser getting his eye checked as a precaution.
Everything was fine, it was just a nice bruise.

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