
Saturday, February 29, 2020

Girls Weekend

I was trying to arrange childcare coverage for Miranda's bachelorette trip when Scott asked me if I would chaperone his field trip to Natural Bridges the same week. I asked Karen if she was free and bought her an inexpensive flight. 
It was really hard for me to leave Jane, but I'm grateful Karen was available and willing to come help. I had a great day with Scott. He read everything there was to learn in the center.
The class did the full tour and I saw more butterflies than I've ever seen in the monarch grove.
Then they had some play time on the beach and I talked to some of the other parents. It was nice to get to know some of the kids and parents better since I haven't volunteered in the classroom this year.
Scott loved playing frisbee, but his favorite part of the trip was the Izze I brought for his lunch. He's so easy to please.
I loved being one-on-one with Scott, but I was so glad to get back home to this baby. Mostly to nurse.
She didn't even notice I was gone.
Scott was complaining about his shoes the next morning and I found this.

John and I went out to a movie another night and bought this giant popcorn for the cost of a half hour of babysitting we didn't have to spend.
Plus we don't leave her with babysitters yet, just other moms who are more comfortable with a fussy, needy baby.
Karen didn't seem to mind the extra snuggle time.
We also drove up to Katie's to visit on their early school day.
Karen took the 6 big kids to the park while Jane was napping and Katie was tutoring. When she woke up I fed her and tried to take a picture, but she was so wriggly.
She arched her back and scooched down the couch and was so proud of herself.
So many hungry babies.
Then I ran off to Disneyland with Miranda. It was great knowing John would have some help with his mom at home rather than trying to coordinate getting the kids all over to different places and be running ragged by the time I got back. I had to send him a few food pictures to make him jealous. 
We were excited about the holiday treats and tried as many as we could fit into two days. He sent kid pictures to help me not miss them, but it felt like payback.
The bride-to-be!
Shannon made us matching "mermaid of honor" shirts and Miranda gave us the coordinating mermaid fanny packs and dinglehopper ears.
I did my best to stay hydrated and pump to keep up what little milk I make. It looks like a more impressive amount when you stock up for 72 hours in the freezer.
It was hard for me to be away from Jane, but good to sleep through the night and not juggle the kids' needs for a few days and have uninterrupted grown-up conversations and celebrate Miranda.