
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Baby Photo Shoot

Our friend who took Scott's amazing newborn pictures moved away. But I have a nice camera now, so I tried noodling around with it.

Scott trying to get in on the fun.

Then Jonah woke up and that was the end of that.
Snuggling with dad.

I didn't want Scott to feel left out.

He gave Jonah a kiss (instead of hitting him), so I gave him his first m&m. 
Since then he's been kissing Jonah every chance he gets. 
I said sorry, only one treat and this was his reaction.


  1. HAHA! I love that last face. Jonah is so cute! You took some pretty good pictures too.

  2. Having a good camera makes all the difference in the world, methinks. These are great pictures. I love Scott's pouty face.

  3. Jonah looks so cute, cuddly, and content!

    And I see Scott is taking the love of chocolate to the next generation!
