
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Scott in August

John sprained his ankle helping a family move and was on crutches for a few days.
Scott liked playing with them and taking advantage of John's defenseless state.
We had Amanda and Russell over for pizza and soda. That night, Scott pulled the empty soda can from the recycling and mimicked what he'd seen.
Scott blows raspberries for kisses. He's not always gentle about it, though.

The guy at See's gave Scott a sample and John let him have the whole thing. He was in chocolate heaven. 
Amanda came over to play with Scott right after Jonah was born. They played plop on the bed about a thousand times. She's a good sport.
Scott's reaction to Jonah's sneeze. He thought it was hilarious.
I think his bedhead and face here are hilarious. I opened the freezer to pull out a pancake for Scott's breakfast and he saw a bag of peas and whined for it. In an effort to choose my battles more wisely, he had frozen peas with his breakfast.
Scott is obsessed with bike rides.
He pulled a bib out and attached it cape-style.
Members of our ward brought us dinners for a week after Jonah was born. I think Scott liked trying new foods.
When Scott would throw things or hit, John and I would say no, no and apparently make a stern face. You can see his interpretation here after he throws pieces of food off of his highchair tray. Now when he's doing something naughty he scolds himself. At the end, he folds his arms for prayer, which he thinks means more food.
He also mastered the backwards walk and pulled his car around the house.
He's very into climbing. He likes getting on the table where he can reach the light switch. 
Talking on his "phone"
He wanted to talk on both walkie talkies.
Shoes and helmet mean bike ride and he cannot be dissuaded. Many a meltdown occurred when Scott figured out how to get the helmets out and John was still at work. He doesn't understand the concept of later yet.
He saw John's bike and really, really wanted to go for a ride.
Playing with his cars and books.
Throwing dirt in the front yard.
Not my favorite game, but like I said, picking my battles these days.
Anna and Scott both wanted to play in the car, so I put Anna in and told Scott he should push her. 
Same thing with Lola.
And Faye.
Helping Dad with the driveway weeding.
We were playing in the backyard and he pulled out his helmet. 
All afternoon I told him daddy would take him after work. He stayed right by the bike like a faithful dog.
John took him out for a ride right after work. He's the best dad.
The double stroller handle is adjustable, so I sometimes lower it so that Scott can push Jonah.
One of Scott's words is "shoes" and he knows whose are whose. He decided one day that Jonah needed shoes, too, so we put Scott's on his tiny feet. Then we laughed for a long time.
When I feed the baby, Scott pulls his toys out. The more, the better.
Playing in the waiting room before Jonah's check-up.
Eating a hamburger like a big kid. 
When John went back to work, Scott and I started getting stir crazy. We made up some games like cup bowling while Jonah napped.
Scott has started talking more and copying inflections and rhythms, but the words are still almost all gibberish.
He's so pleased with his reading, though. 

1 comment:

  1. Scott is acting way more grown up now that he has a baby brother. Lucas liked watching all the videos. I especially loved his stern face in the no-no video.
