
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Aug 26th: 18 Months & 2 Weeks

Scott is a year and a half. He's too cool for chair pictures these days.
At his check-up he was 27 1/2 lbs (85th percentile),
33 inches tall (66th percentile)
and had a 19 inch head circumference (72nd percentile).
 I took his overalls off since it was hot and he took a book from his bookshelf and squatted to read.
 He looks so calm and contemplative here. It's all a ruse. I think the b&w hue contributed.
 He really is a sweet boy, though. When he wants to be.
 There's my smiley guy.
Scott has developed several skills lately and comparing him to a newborn makes him seem more grown-up and capable. 
 Jonah at 2 weeks old.
He prefers being on his stomach.
 I'm trying to have John take more pictures of me with Jonah.
 I didn't like how I looked in pictures with baby Scott, but later it didn't matter as much, so I'm hoping that will be the case with Jonah as well.
Jonah and his dad
 Sweet baby feet
At his check-up, Jonah was up to 8 lbs 10 oz (52th percentile)
21 inches long (59th percentile) 
and had a 14.5 inch head circumference (69th percentile).

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the baby feet! You look great in your pictures with Jonah. And Scott looks huge in that chair.
