
Saturday, December 11, 2010


On our way to Chinatown, we came across this giant Christmas tree.
There were millions of lights. It was amazing.
John outside of Sam Wo's.
This restaurant is a total dive and it's known for it.
Really old, not clean, lousy service.
But really delicious food. And lots of it.
We tried out a Chinese donut. It's a go.
When we were walking back, a homeless person asked us if we could spare some change because he was saving up "for a down payment on a cheeseburger." Cracked us right up. You meet many fun characters in the city.


  1. "A down payment on a cheeseburger"? That poor man didn't have very high expectations. I haven't been to San Francisco in a long time. Perhaps Alan and I should go there on a date.

  2. If we actually get to move out to California, you're going to have to take us to all these cool places on your blog.
