
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Perry Turns 6

Perry was not thrilled about having school on his birthday, so I brought him a happy meal to make his lunch special. His classmates were excited on his behalf, but he didn't know what it was. 

After waiting 2 years for Pump It Up, his friends weren't quite ready for an indoor party, so we had a bocce ball party at the park after school instead.

With cupcakes, of course.
And a little park play for Jane to keep her out of their very serious game.
Then at home I made his request: crepes. 
I think he mostly likes the dessert crepes, but I love the savory ones, so it's a yes for me.
Amanda came over with another delicious, artistic creation.

He requested a "bow of light" from Zelda. 
After looking up a picture, I asked if he had a second choice in case it was too tricky. He said, "it's just a bow that's yellow..." but was willing to have a "savage lynel crusher" instead.
 Luckily Amanda pulled through and made him the perfect cake.
He opened his gifts.
Then on our next free afternoon we went to Pump it Up just us so he could play.
The boys helped Jane enjoy the big kid area.
It was actually really loud and overwhelming, so we ended up leaving early in tears. I should have brought his ear defenders and gone on a Saturday when he hadn't already had a long day at school, but I didn't realize it would be so hard for him. Thankfully he had already had a fun day celebrating at the park with his friends so this wasn't as critical for him.
At six years old, Perry was just a hair under 46" tall. He loves haystacks and asks John to make them constantly. His favorite color is teal and animal is penguin (he seems to be heavily influenced by Scott). He loves watching Mickey shorts and wants to be a video game tester when he grows up. He loves jumping on the trampoline and regularly jumps for a half hour plus for some solo time after school. He's also an avid reader, likes Legos, Magformers, and all board games. He is still my sweet and snuggly boy, a dutiful kitchen helper, and loving big brother to Jane. 

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