
Saturday, September 10, 2022


Scott had a headache one night, which is unusual for him, so we tested him and sure enough he was covid positive. We'd had several close contact exposure notices from his class that week, so even with his diligent mask wearing it was almost unavoidable. The next 17 days were a blur.
Scott had a scratchy throat the next day and Perry said swallowing felt weird. That was the extent of their sickness and I'm so grateful they were vaccinated in time. 

Jane could not get her shot yet and she was really sick.

She had a high fever, which the guidelines said was normal for 3 days. On the 4th day I called her doctor and they said it could last up to 5. She was so miserable. Lethargic and barely eating anything. Hot day and night even with medicines around the clock.
Finally that night her fever broke and she was much better on day 5.
I was pretty sick like a cold plus fever for a few days, but started feeling better and better after day 3. I had brain fog, which could have also been from exhaustion being up with Jane so much.
I also had extreme fatigue that lasted 2 solid weeks, then lightened up during the 3rd week. I slept all night and still needed a hearty nap to get through the day.
John didn't test positive until day 7, so he had to isolate 17 days all together.
The boys could go back to school after 5 days with a negative test and no symptoms, but they took a little longer than that to test negative.
I did many puzzles as a way to distract myself from all of my anxiety.
Then John said, since we'll be more immune the next few months, we should just go to Disneyland.
I was not amused in the midst of trying to schedule pcr tests and contact teachers for schoolwork and cancelling everything I had scheduled the next 2 weeks and emailing the pediatrician.
But eventually I saw it as our silver lining. We definitely felt some relief after being sick, but still wished we could've waited until Jane was vaccinated.
Perry liked being home 
and was happy to do all of his schoolwork.
Scott did some activities like baking to keep entertained.
Jane blowing bubbles with her little snotty face.
We tried to have her rest and watch tv, but sometimes she couldn't be enticed.
She also had a few warm baths that helped her relax.

Sweet Perry entertaining himself.
Convincing her to get some calories in by offering chocolate chips.
Cooling her head off with an ice pack.
Having some Scott snuggles.
Perry was chill. He got bored and wanted to do things with us, but we had no energy.
Scott was very helpful with Jane. He had to do every assignment from school, which he didn't love. Jonah didn't have much schoolwork, but he didn't like being home and was bouncing off the walls.
Even if you can't go out, you can still look cute and ready for the day. You could see immediately in her face when she had turned the corner.
Trying to stretch and I had a goat on my back. I loved seeing her back to herself again.
Once she was in the clear, we started going on lots of walks again. 
We're glad that's behind us and we can venture out a little braver now.

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