
Sunday, January 24, 2021

Weds and Thurs in Washington

Jane was hard at work getting her school assignments done so we could play.
How John got any work done is beyond me. 
Doing their maker space projects.
Scott's balloon powered car. I love Jonah's sympathy cheek puffing in the background.
Jane knew where our snacks were being kept and helped herself.
I took her outside while we waited for the kids to finish school.

Then we walked to the park.
Cedric and Malcolm are too cute with their hand holding.
The boys got lots of energy out in the big open field.
We saw deer in the front yard. I had to stop for some to cross the street when I went to Costco, too. I love where they live.
A little movie time before bed.
Jane and Mal started warming up to each other. Especially if nobody had a t-o-y.
Jane would go upstairs, then screech for help. The perspective in this picture makes John look like a giant.
Jane passed the morning playing in the backyard in her little red peacoat.
Some croquet.
And a brisk walk.
and looking like a gardener.
Scott's previous teacher gave Jane this coat and I was worried she'd outgrow it before it got chilly, but this trip was perfect timing for it.
Too, too cute.
Some Daddy snugs
then back to play.  With a net
then on a bike.
Her brothers really wanted to help her, but Jane insisted she do it alone.
She was willing to accept their snacks, though.
When it was raining out, Scott and Jonah holed up in the Cedric's bedroom reading.

While the middle two played together nonstop. 
When it cleared up, we played outside every minute we could.
I didn't take pictures of everything, but we had a lot of great meals, too. It was really nice switching off cooking and trying some new foods.
We went over and talked to my dad a few times throughout the week.
He showed the boys everything in his apartment. They liked using his magnifier setup from when his vision was bad.
It was our first time visiting since he moved and he and Jane got to meet each other.

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