
Sunday, July 5, 2020

SIP Week 8: May 3-9

Sleepy Jane sometimes sucks a finger or thumb. She's laying over John's lap on the rocking chair, where she frequently crashes at night after a valiant effort to fight off bedtime.
Scott bravely let me pull another tooth because the new one was growing in.
He's now lost three teeth, all on bottom.
Ready for a walk.
But first, some stretching.
Primary singing time over zoom.
Jonah still frequently wakes up in a different place from where he fell asleep.
Looking at her siblings' pictures on our tv screen saver. We were planning to get new photos done this summer with Jane, but we'll see if it works out or not.
She loves climbing things and riding the edge.
John made her a big cushioned landing for the couch.
Just getting a little work done for Scott on his school computer.
Another day, another new outfit.
If you ever lose your phone, Jane could probably find it. Especially since she's likely the one who crawled off with it in the first place.
She's trouble and she knows it.
Jonah loved seeing his teacher on the weekly announcement video. The first grade teachers did a cool Star Wars theme.
They love doing mystery science videos and experiments. I love that they're simple enough for them to mostly do alone with supplies we likely have already.
Jane tried to play spot it with us.
She loooooves pouches of baby food. 
We attempted a maple sugar cookie like the local bakery usually makes to take to our friends who were missing them. They were really good, but not as amazing as the real thing.
Jane really wanted to sample.
Jonah tried to get Jane dressed and was very frustrated that she wouldn't hold still.
Scott painted a sign for Jonah to show his teacher for her birthday.
Cookie decorating makes me feel like a good mom because they're a lot of work and mess, but the kids love creating something fun and edible.
I don't love setting up paints either, but water colors aren't a big deal.
I love how they make their beds with their stuffed animals either tucked in (Scott's one and only, his penguin) or in all the corners (Jonah's top four friends at the moment).
Now that Jane's mobile, she doesn't love being held in one place, but her brothers still want to pick her up and squeeze her all day long.
She likes the freedom to roam free and dump toy baskets on the floor.
In her constellation jams, ready to do some origami. 
Jane likes to sneak off at night to check out what her brothers are doing. She loves Perry's light set up.
We went to look at vans so we could see what the colors and features looked like in person, just to have our options ready. It was the best car shopping experience because nobody came over or talked to us at all.
She loves Jonah so much.
Again with the holding.
They can't help it, she's too cute.
We reached the braid stage of needing a hair cut.
I was due for a healthy cut before the shelter-in-place, so it's getting pretty bad. I trimmed a little on the ends after this.

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