
Saturday, June 8, 2019

Cubs Single A

A video of the boys' last time at bat this season:
I wanted Jonah to be on t-ball again since he's still young enough and he could build his skills and confidence with his peers. Plus I don't always want him lumped with Scott. It ended up being great for our schedule to have only one team, though, and they love being together. Plus Jonah could really hold his own against kids 2+ years older than him.
Jonah in ready position to race to second base. He looks even littler when he's lunging. 
The boys had some great teammates this year. Very friendly and encouraging, plus some of them were really impressive players.
Scott getting his medal from his coach. He said Scott had lightning feet and would make a great ball player or maybe track star one day.
The boys with their medals. They love playing baseball. This season was frustrating because almost all of the practices were on Sunday, so it didn't feel like they got a lot of time in, but they still both improved a ton just playing on their own and going to all of the games. 
After the game they had pizza and ice cream. Jonah wanted a picture of his chocolate face.
It was fun watching them play and enjoy baseball, but challenging to keep Perry occupied sometimes and I couldn't sit for long on the bleachers without hurting. Our family is undecided about playing again next year, but we had a fun time this season. 

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