
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

March II

When the boys are both quiet now, I usually find them reading.
Jonah still loves the baby doll. He tries to wrap him in a blanket and shushes until he's sleeping.
We went to buy Scott some sandals and Jonah wanted to try on these boots.
Scott said he didn't want broccoli, just cauliflower, so I told him it was green cauliflower. It happened to be St. Patrick's Day and that's all we did to celebrate this year.
Dr. Jonah prepped for his rounds.
We were playing at the mall after shopping and Jonah wanted to ride the bus with Scott and a little girl, so he just climbed right over her to sit by Scott like she wasn't even there. 
We had a better turnout at the toddler soccer group this week. Jonah seems to prefer kicking the ball and Scott so far is showing more interest in baseball.
Jonah picking on his brother.
Building an "elevator tower."
Scott loves babies,
but Jonah is the one obsessed with holding them. Luckily this baby is pretty patient and doesn't mind being held.
Since he's no longer a baby, Jonah decided to steer the bike himself.
Our even bigger kid rides his balance bike down the hill at our park. Makes me nervous every time, but he loves it and so far has stayed safe. Plus, toting his bike back up the hill 30+ times helps wear him out.
Sitting patiently waiting for us with his Mickey slippers and big mushroom head.
We babysat Lulu and she and Jonah had a fork fight at lunch.
When Jonah woke up one day, Scott was excited to show him his toys he'd lined up. Scott is great at self-entertaining during Jonah's nap, but he is always glad when his playmate is back awake.
Jonah wouldn't stop crying while I was making dinner one night and I'm trying not to feed him before we eat together, so I just passed him "choo choo."
He sat there and figured it out. Eventually, he played most of the game by himself. He's 19 months old and I'm amazed at what technology he can use with so little exposure to it.
Playing at the toy store's train table.
Another example of Jonah leading the way right into trouble. He ran in the bushes outside the store and Scott was trying to help me get him out, but the temptation was too strong and he joined in the fun instead.
We had a sausage kale soup for dinner and Scott only wanted "little kales, not big kales."
Then his tummy was full like the "hungry patercillar"
Amanda and I went for bogo jamba and they poured a little into cups for the boys.
It looked so tiny and cute when Scott was drinking it,  but huge when Jonah had his.
Trash truck!
Listening to his "krispies" talk to him.
We made a "little garage for Scott's little car and big garage for Jonah's big car."
I love when they play together nicely.
We went out to dinner with my mom one night and I brought the boys snacks while we waited for food, since I knew it would be packed because it was a weekend
The only spoons they had at the table were enormous and it was funny watching the boys eat their applesauce with them.
Jonah getting the hang of frisbee.
Scott is warming up to animals one cat at a time on our walks. He sits and waits with his hand out, meowing.
Success! Two orange friends.
Jonah is not nearly as afraid of animals. This nice dog joined us for a snack at Starbucks.
I took advantage of a half-price frappacino one afternoon and enjoyed it on the patio while the boys had milk and animal crackers. It was one of those rare outings where things go smoothly and as envisioned. Of course, the dog's owner went on and on about how my hands were full and they must keep me busy. I just laughed to myself because if she thought that then, she should see us when they're being crazy.
For example, Jonah woke up one morning crying for Batman rather than Daddy.
He had gotten out of his Batman pajamas and wanted them back on. Thankfully, he kept his (dirty) diaper on!!


  1. Lots of fun pictures. Thanks for sharing all of them. Those two boys make excellent partners in, I mean *friends*.

  2. Lots of fun pictures. Thanks for sharing all of them. Those two boys make excellent partners in, I mean *friends*.
