
Friday, February 28, 2014

February I

One day this month was national frozen yogurt day, so we went to Yogurtland to get a free cupfull.
We waited in line for probably 20 minutes, but it was worth it to Scott and me. Jonah gave his yogurt to his daddy when he came home from work. Such a sweet baby.
Scott started actually participating in music time at the library. He's still pretty shy about it, though.
 Scott gave Jonah some bedtime reading material. Two shelves worth.
 Sweet baby Jonah finally crashed after a long morning of fussing. It's teething time again.
 Jonah has also started being extremely wriggly. I didn't buckle him in the rocker and he slid himself right out and rolled onto his stomach.
 He also wriggled over to my book on the bed. Apparently it looked like a good read.
 There is an aquatic center opening in town and until it's built the instructors are being trained. I signed the boys up to be the guinea pigs which means free swim lessons for 10 weeks. Scott has really warmed up to swimming with strangers.
 Jonah acts like it's a bath and even when he's tired he loves swimming in the warm pool.
 Melody and I did our second 10k. We beat our time from last year and they gave out more official-looking shirts, so win-win.
After the race, we went looking at tile stores. Both boys crashed which made for a more relaxed shopping experience.
 I dressed myself and then Jonah before realizing what I'd done. I changed myself because it was much faster than trying to change his wriggly self.
I put Scott in his room during Jonah's afternoon nap for quiet time. When I woke up I found he'd joined the napping party. 
 Jonah ditched his bottle for Scott's water bottle.
 Scott's been saying bye-bye to daddy through the bedroom window in the morning. Sometimes it helps him not cry/tantrum after if he sees John drive down the street. Sometimes it just postpones the inevitable.
 Jonah practicing his rocking while Scott watches a few minutes of "srucks." Our neighbor gave us their hand-me-down books and movies and there were a bunch of Disney gems in there. So far we've tried "Trucks" (Cars) and "Fishies" (Finding Nemo).
 Grandma bought Scott a toaster for his birthday and he loves it. He likes eating real bread while playing with the wooden bread.
 Our friends invited us to a St. Mary's vs. BYU basketball game, so we drove up one Saturday. It was a beautiful campus.
 The gym was small and way overcrowded, but it was an exciting game with a last minute win for BYU after being down 10 points the majority of the time. Plus, we went to Chick-fil-A afterward, so we all won.
My mom came over for her birthday dinner. I made carrot cake, which is our favorite part of birthdays.
 Jonah getting a bite in during a wrestling match.
 Sweet baby fell asleep on me. John was at a meeting and Scott was asleep already, so we just snuggled for a while.
 He is so proud of himself for scooting off the rug.
 Scott pretending to sleep. He learned how to climb in on his own, so Jonah is no longer safe anywhere.
 Scott was quiet and I found him playing with the rice in the kitchen. It wasn't too messy and I'll admit it feels nice on your hands.
 He also figured out that his mixer works with a cup. I think he's envisioning milk shakes.
 We primed the whole play room and painted two coats of almond cream on the ceiling. Then John installed the ceiling fan while Scott tried to climb the ladder and I brought him down and told him no. Over and over and over.
 Scott helping a brother out with his giraffe chewing.
 Jonah is getting up on his hands and knees and rocking. So close.
And that was the first half of our month!

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of the boys asleep in the stroller. I love when babies sleep while you're out shopping. Free swim lessons is awesome!
