
Monday, September 20, 2010

Late Night De-Tile

We decided to pull up our tile tonight. We're all about spontaneous house projects. The messier the better.
Eventually John brought our trash can in. Not classy, but very efficient.
After cleaning up the major debris
the sanding began. The tile removal was easy, it was the grout sanding and glue chipping that was more labor intensive.
After a few man hours. Still a little grout left, but we removed enough to prep for the major sander.
To be continued...


  1. I'm excited to see what you guys replace the old tile with. Or you could just leave it bare.

  2. Wow, I'm impressed. I'm excited to see the finished job too.

  3. This was a definite improvement. Your timing was a little off--doing it the night before book club. But that doesn't really matter because I think it looks better without the tile--even unfinished. You two are doing a great job with your house.
