
Sunday, June 6, 2010

First Week of Summer

1) In-N-Out on the way home from the temple--John's first burger without his colon
2) Swimming! We went to a gym's pool to try out their aerobics class on Tuesday, Mark's apartment pool Thursday, the Summer's pool while we babysat on Friday, and the Scott's pool last night for Heather's birthday. (John's burning out, but I'm just getting warmed up :)

3) I went to my first canning party
and have some delightful strawberry jam to show for it
4) My parent's garage is tidied

5) 99 cent rootbeer floats are back
6) Baseball
This is during John's lunch break, but he also plays stake softball on Saturdays
7) Tutoring is over, so more time for babysitting... although playing army guys with Luka all day made me want daughters even more.
(Plus, girls have cuter clothing options.)


  1. I love summer. I din't know they had 99 cent root beer floats. YES!!!

  2. Who cares about clothing options when you could have such an awesome army set?
