
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Puzzle Mania

In our extreme boredom, we borrowed some puzzles from Brian and Annie. This one is Harry Potter and provided a bonus challenge with its missing pieces.
This one was brand new and it's Provo.
Here is John working away. Also, eating a new food creation. I've been trying out some different designs in the kitchen to fit John's new diet (low fat, no red meat, no acidic food, no ruffage/roughage, and so forth). This was a pizza with chicken, cheese, pesto, and garlic powder. The crust is a Betty Crocker mix and it was delicious. I was pleasantly surprised with how well it all turned out.
Christmas puzzle all finished! We're working on a deathly hard peppermint one now. We spent most of today on it and only got the edge and green ones finished. It'll take a miracle.
I was getting really stir crazy by the end of the day/week/month, so we went to the drive-in and saw Date Night. It was hilarious. And fun to watch as a married person. Even better, we breathed fresh air for two hours.


  1. I love doing puzzles! Mckay's family always does puzzles for Christmas. I think we did 8 puzzles over Christmas break while at his parents house. That pizza you made sounds delicious.

  2. I love all the puzzles you've done. Ryan and I got one of those place puzzles. Our's is Salt Lake City. We still haven't done it. Maybe we'll save it for when you guys come out since you're puzzle pros now.

  3. We just saw Date Night last week and peed our pants. Loved that movie and if you think it's funny now, watch it again after you have kids :)
